Key English
appDesc Make reading on the go more enjoyable!

⛵ This service allows compatible applications to easily counteract small device movements within their user interface.

🏝️ This improves screen readability of a handheld device while walking or traveling.

⚡ Service has been crafted very meticulously, in order to minimize resource usage and maximize performance. More info can be found on our GitHub.

Hope you enjoy using this 😊
aboutScreenAppListTitle ⛵ Apps
aboutScreenAppListText List of app packages installed on this device that use the SteadyScreen feature:
aboutScreenLicenseTitle 🔑 License
aboutScreenLicenseText This application is free and works without limitations. However, the parameters will return to their default values after 1 hour without a license.
aboutScreenGithubLink SteadyScreen on GitHub
openSourceLicensesTitle Open source licenses
dialogConsentButton Accept
dialogInfoTitle @string/menuInfo
dialogInfoMessage Shake the device a little. Notice how the background content softens these movements, making on-screen reading easier.

This functionality can be easily implemented in any application. Please follow the instructions on GitHub.
dialogInfoButton Go to GitHub
dialogRestoreDefaultsTitle @string/menuRestoreDefaults
dialogRestoreDefaultsMessage Restore parameters to default values?
dialogServiceDisableTitle @string/menuDisable
dialogServiceDisableMessage Consumer applications will stop receiving events. Disable service?
serviceInactiveText Service is disabled, click to enable.
menuEnable Enable
menuDisable Disable
menuTheme Theme
menuIncreaseTextSize Increase text size