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paramSensorRate Sensor rate Tingkat sensor
paramDamping Damping Damping
paramRecoil Recoil mundur
paramLinearScaling Linear scaling Skala linear
paramForceScaling Force scaling Force scaling
paramSensorRateInfo Set the desired motion sensor sampling rate. Higher values provide greater accuracy, but may consume more battery. Setel tingkat sampling sensor gerak sing dikarepake. Nilai sing luwih dhuwur nyedhiyakake akurasi sing luwih dhuwur, nanging bisa uga nggunakake baterei luwih akeh.
paramDampingInfo Increasing this will slow down and attenuate movements, making them less sensitive to larger forces. Tambah iki bakal alon mudhun lan attenuate obahe, nggawe wong kurang sensitif pasukan luwih gedhe.
paramRecoilInfo Increasing this will reduce sensitivity to small oscillations and make movements less sensitive to larger forces. Nambah iki bakal nyuda sensitivitas kanggo osilasi cilik lan nggawe gerakan kurang sensitif marang pasukan sing luwih gedhe.
paramLinearScalingInfo This scales the movements after calculations, making them linearly larger or smaller. Iki ngukur obahe sawise petungan, nggawe luwih gedhe utawa luwih cilik kanthi linear.
paramForceScalingInfo This scales the forces before calculations, which makes the movements larger or smaller in a nonlinear way. Iki timbangan pasukan sadurunge petungan, kang ndadekake obahe luwih gedhe utawa cilik ing cara nonlinear.
measuredSensorRateInfo The current motion sensor sampling rate as measured by the application. This may differ from the desired rate because the system ultimately decides what rate to provide based on various factors. Tingkat sampling sensor gerak saiki sing diukur dening aplikasi. Iki bisa uga beda-beda saka tarif sing dikarepake amarga sistem pungkasane nemtokake tarif sing bakal diwenehake adhedhasar macem-macem faktor.
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