⛵ This service allows compatible applications to easily counteract small device movements within their user interface.
🏝️ This can improve screen readability and possibly alleviate motion sickness while on the go, e.g. while reading in a moving vehicle.
⚡ The application has been crafted very meticulously, in order to minimize resource usage and maximize performance.
ℹ️ Find more info, implementation details and examples on:
Hope you enjoy it 😊
⛵ Layanan iki ngidini aplikasi sing kompatibel bisa gampang nglawan obahe piranti cilik ing antarmuka pangguna.
🏝️ Iki bisa nambah keterbacaan layar lan bisa uga nyuda mabuk nalika lelungan, contone. nalika maca ing kendaraan obah.
⚡ Aplikasi wis digawe kanthi tliti, supaya bisa nyilikake panggunaan sumber daya lan ngoptimalake kinerja.
Semoga terhibur 😊