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paramSensorRate Sensor rate Saffisa sensaraa
paramDamping Damping Daampii gochuu
paramRecoil Recoil Duubatti deebi'uu
paramLinearScaling Linear scaling Iskeelii sararaawaa
paramForceScaling Force scaling Humna iskeelii gochuu
paramSensorRateInfo This sets the desired sensor rate. Higher values may consume more battery. This may differ from the measured sensor rate as the system ultimately decides which rate to provide. Kunis saffisa sensaraa barbaadamu saaga. Gatiin ol'aanaan baatirii baay'ee fayyadamuu danda'a. Kun saffisa sensaraa safarame irraa adda ta’uu danda’a sababiin isaas sirnichi dhuma irratti saffisa kam akka kennu murteessa.
paramDampingInfo Increasing this will slow down and attenuate movements, making them less sensitive to larger forces. Kana dabaluunis sochiiwwan ni saffisiisa, ni laaffisa, kunis humnoota gurguddoof akka hin miiraan guutamne taasisa.
paramRecoilInfo Increasing this will reduce sensitivity to small oscillations and make movements less sensitive to larger forces. Kana dabaluunis miira sochii xixiqqoo hir’isuun sochiiwwan humnoota gurguddoof miira akka hin qabne taasisa.
paramLinearScalingInfo This scales the movements linearly, making them larger or smaller without affecting the calculations. Kunis sochiiwwan sararaan safara, shallaggii irratti dhiibbaa osoo hin geessisin akka guddatan ykn xiqqaa taasisa.
paramForceScalingInfo This scales the forces before calculations, which in turn affects the overall magnitude of movements. Kunis humnoota shallaggii dura safara, kunis dabaree isaatiin guddina waliigalaa sochiiwwanii irratti dhiibbaa qaba.
measuredSensorRateInfo Current sensor rate as measured by the app. This may differ from the desired sensor rate as the system ultimately decides which rate to provide. Saffisa sensaraa ammaa akka appii kanaan safaramutti. Kun saffisa sensaraa barbaadamu irraa adda ta’uu danda’a sababiin isaas sirnichi dhuma irratti saffisa kam akka kennu murteessa.
yes Yes Eeyyee
no No Lakki