Key English Oromo
cancel Cancel Haquu
measuredSensorRate Measured sensor rate Saffisa sensaraa safarame
ratePerSecond %1$s Hz %1$s Hz
dialogReviewNudgeMessage Are you enjoying this app? Appii kanaan itti gammadaa jirtuu?
dialogReviewNudgeMessage2 Thanks! Please write a nice review or rate us 5 stars on the Play Store. Galatoomi! Mee gamaaggama gaarii barreessaa ykn Play Store irratti urjii 5 nuuf madaala.
dialogButtonRateOnPlayStore Rate on Play Store Play Store irratti sadarkaa
generalError Some error occurred. Please try again. Dogoggorri tokko tokko uumameera. Mee irra deebi'ii yaalaa.
ultimateLicenseTitle Ultimate License Hayyama Dhumaa
licenseItemAlreadyOwned License item already owned Meeshaa hayyamaa duraan qabame
licenseSuccessDialogMessage The app was licensed successfully. Thank you for your support! Appichi hayyama milkaa'inaan argateera. Deeggarsa nuuf gootaniif galatoomaa!
ultimateLicenseLabel Ultimate Dhuma