Key English Asturian
summaryStartedDatetime Started Entamau
summaryEndedDatetime Ended Rematáu
summaryTotalTime Total time Tiempu total
summaryTotalTimeInfo Time interval between the start time and the end time of this track. Intervalu de tiempu ente la hora d'entamu y l'hora de termináu del percorríu.
summaryPausedTime Paused time
summaryPausedTimeInfo Time spent pausing, either manually or while using the auto-pause.
summaryStoppedTime Stopped time Tiempu paráu
summaryStoppedTimeInfo Time during which tracking was inactive. Tiempu trescurríu en posa, yá sía manualmente o por aciu la función automática.
summaryHeartBeats Heartbeats Pulsaciones
summaryHeartBeatsInfo Number of heartbeats detected during activity. Númberu de pulsaciones detectaes mientres l'actividá.
summaryCadenceStrokes Pedal strokes Pedalaes
summaryCadenceStrokesInfo Number of pedal strokes detected during activity. Númberu de pedalaes detectaes mientres l'actividá.
summarySpecific Specific Específicu
summaryMechWork Mech. work Trabayu mecánicu
summaryMechWorkInfo Pure mechanical work expended (disregarding thermal efficiency and BMR).

For bikes this can be regarded as a measure of chain wear - a standard bicycle chain will last about 100 MJ, for motorcycles about 1 GJ.
Trabayu puramente mecánicu dedicáu a esta actividá (ensin tener en cuenta la eficiencia térmica y TMB).
summaryChainWear Chain wear
summaryActivePower Active power Potencia activa
summaryClimbing Climb Ascensu
summaryClimbingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to overcome gravity. Porcentaxe enerxéticu que s'utilizó pa vencer la gravedá.
summaryDragging Drag Fricción