Key English Asturian
dialogLayoutsInfoMessage Quickly change display layout from a set of predefined layouts.

Then long-click any field to further customize the display via pop-up menus.

Portrait and landscape screen orientations have completely independent layouts.
Camude con rapidez el diseñu de la pantalla a partir d'un conxuntu de diseños predefinidos.

Depués, caltenga'l clic en cualquier campu para poder, al traviés de los menúes emerxentes, personalizar entá más la vista.
dialogRecButtonInsertTitle Insert Rec button
dialogRecButtonInsertMessage This will insert the Rec button here and remove it from the button bar. Continue?
dialogRecButtonRemoveTitle Remove Rec button
dialogRecButtonRemoveMessage This will put the Rec button back to the button bar. Continue?
dialogLayoutRemoveEntryMessage Remove this field?
dialogEnterCodeMessage Enter code
dialogTrackingStartPromptTitle Start?
dialogTrackingResumePromptTitle Resume?
dialogTrackingStopPromptTitle Stop?
dialogNotificationListenerTitle Permission is required
dialogNotificationListenerMessage This app can only control media playback of other apps, it is not a media player itself. For this to work, Android mandates holding the permission to access notifications.

The permission is only used to enable media controls. Notifications are not accessed in any way through this permission.
mapMarkerClickInfo Click for options
mapPlaceSearch Where to?
meterModeSpeedVertical climb speed velocidá vertical
meterModeSpeedVerticalShort c spd V vel
meterModeVerticalPower climb power potencia vertical
meterModeVerticalPowerShort c pwr pot v
meterModeBattery battery
meterModeBatteryShort batt