Key English Asturian
infoMeterModeElapsedTitle Elapsed time Tiempu trescurríu
infoMeterModeElapsedMsg Duration of the trip, including all pauses but excluding stops. Duración del percorríu, inclúi toles poses (sacante les paraes).
infoMeterModeEnergyTitle Energy Enerxía
infoMeterModeEnergyMsg Energy spent for the trip, taking efficiency and BMR into account. Enerxía gastada mientres el viaxe, teniendo en cuenta la eficiencia y el TMB.
infoMeterModeEfficacyTitle Efficacy (cumulative) Eficacia (acumuláu)
infoMeterModeEfficacyMsg Part of the energy spent that would suffice to make the same trip by moving at a constant speed equal to the average speed. Higher is better. Parte de la enerxía gastada que sería abonda para faer el mesmu viaxe moviendose a una velocidá constante igual a la velocidá media. Ente más altu, meyor.
infoMeterModeAscentTitle Ascent Ascensu
infoMeterModeAscentMsg Cumulative altitude gain (climb). Ganancia acumulada d'altitú (Ascensu).
infoMeterModeDescentTitle Descent Descensu
infoMeterModeDescentMsg Cumulative altitude loss (drop). Perda acumulada d'altitú (Descensu).
infoMeterModeWriggleTitle Wriggle Esviadura
infoMeterModeWriggleMsg Measure of route deviation from a straight line, i.e. how much it fills the area instead of going straight. Lower is usually better. Mide la esviación de ruta d'una llínea recta, esto ye, cuántu enllena la área en llugar de dir en llínea recta. Ente más baxu, meyor.
infoMeterModeAltitudeTitle Altitude Altitú
infoMeterModeAltitudeMsg Height above mean sea level (geoid). Altor sobro'l nivel mediu del mar (geoide).
infoMeterModeSlopeTitle Slope Fastera
infoMeterModeSlopeMsg Slope (gradient), a number describing terrain tilt where zero is horizontal. Higher number means steeper ascent, and negative is for descent. Fastera (gradiente), ye'l númberu que describe l'enclín del terrén onde cero ye horizontal. Ente más altu sía'l númberu más pronunciáu ye l'ascensu, ente que valores negativos son pal descensu.
infoMeterModeSpeedTitle Speed Velocidá
infoMeterModeSpeedMsg Instantaneous distance covered per unit of time. Distancia instantánea percorrida por unidá de tiempu.
infoMeterModeVerticalSpeedTitle Climb speed Velocidá Vertical
infoMeterModeVerticalSpeedMsg Speed in the up (positive) or down (negative) vertical direction. Velocidá en dirección vertical escontra riba (positiva) o escontra baxo (negativa).