Key English Asturian
dataStorageTransferRetrying Fail — will retry shortly
dataStorageTransferInfoTitle Last change
dataStorageTransferInfoStatus Status: %1$s
dataStorageTransferInfoDuration Duration: %1$s
dataStorageTransferInfoCount Items moved: %1$s of %2$s
dataStorageTransferInfoSpeed Speed: %1$s MB/s (%2$s items/s)
infoMeterModeNoneTitle No meter mode
infoMeterModeNoneMsg This only shows empty space.
infoMeterModeVerticalSpeedTitle Climb speed Velocidá Vertical
infoMeterModePowerMsg Power exerted during activity, due to drag forces, altitude change, etc.

Negative means power gain, e.g. when braking.

When in kcal/h or kJ/h, it also takes efficiency and BMR into account.
Potencia exercida mientres l'actividá, por cuenta de les fuerces de resistencia, cambéu d'altitú, etc.

Valores negativos signifiquen ganancia de potencia, p. cuando va cuesta abaxo o frena.

Cuando ta en kcal/h o kJ/h, tamién tien en cuenta la eficiencia y el TMB.
infoMeterModePowerBalanceTitle Power balance L/R
infoMeterModePowerBalanceMsg Power balance, presented as a fraction of left and right contributions to the total power output.
infoMeterModeFuncThresholdPowerTitle Functional threshold power Estragal de Potencia Funcional (FTP)
infoMeterModeAvgActivePowerTitle Average active power Potencia activa promediu
infoMeterModeVerticalPowerTitle Climb power Potencia vertical
infoMeterModeBatteryTitle Battery
infoMeterModeBatteryMsg Battery level of this Android device.
infoMeterModeKineticEnergyMsg The height you would reach by "letting go" up a long slope without braking.

Or, if you were to hit a wall the impact force would be the same as falling from this height.

This number increases as a speed squared, and is useful for safety considerations.
Altor sobro'l nivel del suelu onde la so enerxía potencial sería igual a la so enerxía cinética actual.

N'otres palabres, la so velocidá ye igual a la velocidá que tendría dempués de cayer dende esi altor (ensin tener en cuenta la resistencia del aire).

De la mesma, ye l'altor qu'algamaría al dir directamente escontra riba utilizando solo'l so conteníu d'enerxía cinética.
infoMeterModeRadiusMsg Straight-line distance to the starting location, i.e. displacement. Distancia en llínea recta dende la posición inicial del percorríu, esto ye, el desplazamientu.
infoMeterModeMediaControlsTitle Media controls