Key English Asturian
menuNavigation Navigate
menuMeterResume Resume
menuDataStorage Data storage location
menuInsertMeter Meter Ensertar mididor
menuInsertSpeedo Speedometer Ensertar velocímetru
menuInsertRecButton Rec button
menuMove Move
menuRemoveRecButton Remove Rec button
menuShowTotals Show totals
menuHideTotals Hide totals
menuWiden Widen
menuNarrow Narrow
toastLocationUnavailable Your location is still not available
toastAutoBellButtonClickInfo Long-click to toggle the auto bell sound
toastSteadyScreenModeActive Screen stabilization enabled
toastSteadyScreenModeIntelligentActive Screen stabilization intelligent enabled
toastSteadyScreenModeOff Screen stabilization disabled
toastGpsIntervalAdaptiveActive Adaptive update interval is active
dialogTracksDeleteMessage Warning: This action cannot be undone. Delete selected tracks?

To confirm deletion, enter the following code to continue.
Alvertencia: Esta acción nun podrase desfacer.

¿Borrar los percorríos escoyíos?
dialogMapsShowHeatmap Heatmap