Key English Asturian
toastLocationUnavailable Your location is still not available
speechNavigationDestinationReached You have reached the destination
speechNavigationGotOffRoute You have gone off the route
pref_mapsFollowAutoZoomSensitivity_info You can adjust the auto zoom sensitivity on the fly by zooming in or out while tracking
speechNavigationWrongWay Wrong way
navigationWrongWay Wrong way
menuWiden Widen
mapPlaceSearch Where to?
dataStorageInfo2 When you change the data storage location, the previous app data will be automatically transferred to the new location. This happens in the background and may take some time.

Revoking access leaves the data intact.
dialogLicenseUpgradeButton2 Watch promo video
tracksHistoryDataStorageLink Warning: The app is using the default folder for tracks and data. Click here to change.
prefSteadyScreenImplementationInternalInfo Use our own screen stabilization implementation. Easier to use, non-adjustable.
prefOnlineElevationSummary Use elevation data from the Internet to increase altitude baseline accuracy. Enabled by default.
prefBatteryOptimizationMessage Urban Biker can be exempted from system battery optimizations, to make it more certain it will continue to work properly when the screen is turned off on older versions of Android. Click here to open the settings now.
licenseUpgradeTitle Upgrade your license
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary1 To save battery and data, only one elevation point will be acquired from the Internet when you start tracking a new track. This is enough for the rest of the track to have a more accurate altitude baseline.
prefSteadyScreenNote2 This works best for slower movements, such as phone swaying in hand while walking, but also on handlebars while riding or in a car while driving.
dialogRecButtonRemoveMessage This will put the Rec button back to the button bar. Continue?
dialogRecButtonInsertMessage This will insert the Rec button here and remove it from the button bar. Continue?
prefOnlineElevationNoteSummary3 This only works if a subscription license is available (Ultimate license, or one of the maps licenses).