Key English Galician
speechUnitThreeFeets Feet Pés
speechUnitFourFeets Feet Pés
speechUnitThreeMiles Miles Millas
speechUnitFourMiles Miles Millas
speechUnitThreeHours Hours Horario
speechUnitFourHours Hours Horario
speechUnitThreeMinutes Minutes Minutos
speechUnitFourMinutes Minutes Minutos
speechUnitOneLiterOfGasoline Liter of gasoline Litro de gasolina
speechUnitTwoLitersOfGasoline Liters of gasoline Litros de gasolina
speechUnitThreeLitersOfGasoline Liters of gasoline Litros de gasolina
speechUnitFourLitersOfGasoline Liters of gasoline Litros de gasolina
speechUnitManyLitersOfGasoline Liters of gasoline Litros de gasolina
speechEnergy Energy: %1$s Enerxía: %1$s
speechPromptTrackingResume Resume or finish? Retomar ou rematar?
speechNavigationContinue Continue Continuar
speechNavigationDestinationReached You have reached the destination Chegaches ao destino
speechNavigationGotOffRoute You have gone off the route Fócheste da ruta
speechNavigationWrongWay Wrong way Camiño equivocado
navigationContinue Continue Continuar