Key English Croatian
summaryDraggingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to overcome air drag resistance. Postotak energije koja je utrošena za prevladavanje otpora zraka.
summaryAccelerating Accelerate Ubrzanje
summaryAcceleratingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to accelerate. Postotak energije koja je utrošena za ubrzanje.
summaryRolling Roll Kotrljanje
summaryRollingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to overcome rolling resistance. Postotak energije koja je utrošena za prevladavanje otpora kotrljanja.
summaryBasal Basal Bazalno
summaryBasalEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used for basal metabolism. Postotak energije koja je utrošena za bazalni metabolizam.
summaryVibrations Vibrations Vibracije
summaryBraking Braking Kočenje
summaryBrakingInfo Energy extracted by braking.

Can be regarded as brake wear - a pair of standard bicycle disc brake pads will last around 50 MJ, for cars around 5 GJ.
Energija izvučena kočenjem.

Može se smatrati trošenjem kočnica - par standardnih pločica za disk kočnice za bicikle trajat će oko 50 MJ, za automobile oko 5 GJ.
summaryBrakePadWear Brake pad wear Trošenje kočionih pločica
sensorsTitle Sensors Senzori
sensorsTabUsed Used Korišteni
sensorsTabFound Found Pronađeni
sensorsSectionUsedInProfile Used in the profile Korišteni u profilu
sensorsSectionSupported Supported Podržani
sensorsSectionUnsupported Unsupported Nepodržani
sensorsEmptyList Empty list Prazna lista
sensorsMenuScan Scan Skeniraj
sensorsInfo Sensors get connected automatically while recording is active, and disconnected when you stop recording.

It's not possible to establish a sensor connection manually.
Senzori se automatski povezuju dok je snimanje aktivno, a isključuju se kad zaustavite snimanje.

Nije moguće ručno uspostaviti vezu senzora.