Key English Croatian
sensorWheelCircNotSetWarning Wheel circumference has not been set Opseg kotača nije postavljen
sensorStepLengthNotSetWarning Step length has not been set Duljina koraka nije postavljena
sensorMenuAddToProfile Add to the profile Dodaj u profil
sensorMenuRemoveFromProfile Remove from the profile Ukloni iz profila
sensorMenuProperties Properties Svojstva
sensorMenuEnable Enable Omogući
sensorMenuDisable Disable Onemogući
sensorMenuDelete Forget Obriši
sensorRemoveConfirmDialogMsg Remove from the profile? Ukloniti iz profila?
sensorDeleteConfirmDialogMsg Forget this sensor? Obrisati ovaj senzor?
sensorAddedMsg Sensor added to the profile Senzor dodan u profil
sensorRemovedMsg Sensor removed from the profile Senzor uklonjen iz profila
sensorDeletedMsg Sensor forgotten Senzor obrisan
sensorPurposeNone (No purpose) (Bez namjene)
sensorPurposeCadence Cadence Kadenca
sensorPurposeSpeed Speed Brzina
sensorPurposeDistance Distance Udaljenost
sensorPurposeDuration Duration Trajanje
sensorPurposePower Power Snaga
sensorPurposeHeartRate Heart rate Otkucaji srca