Key English Indonesian
toastRoarButtonClickInfo Long-click to toggle the AVAS sound Klik lama untuk mengaktifkan suara AVAS
toastAutoBellButtonClickInfo Long-click to toggle the auto bell sound Klik lama untuk mengaktifkan suara bel otomatis
toastMapButtonClickInfo Long-click to toggle the map Klik lama untuk beralih peta
toastMapClickInfo Long-tap for map options Ketuk lama untuk opsi peta
toastMapFollowingOn Follow on Ikuti terus
toastMapFollowingAutorotate Auto-rotate on Putar otomatis aktif
toastMapFollowingOff Follow off Ikuti
toastMapLayerTrafficOn Traffic on Lalu lintas aktif
toastMapLayerTrafficOff Traffic off Lalu lintas mati
toastErrorCreatingOfflineMap Error creating offline map Terjadi kesalahan saat membuat peta offline
toastErrorAccessingExternalStorage Error accessing external storage Kesalahan mengakses penyimpanan eksternal
toastErrorPowerParametersVoid Please fill in Power parameters in Settings Silakan isi parameter Daya di Pengaturan
toastSharingSuccess Successfully posted Berhasil diposting
toastSharingError Error during sharing actions Kesalahan saat berbagi tindakan
toastSharingPermissionsError Error posting, please check permissions Kesalahan pengeposan, harap periksa izin
toastSharingNoGpxError Error, no GPX file in the track Kesalahan, tidak ada file GPX di trek
toastUpdatingSuccess Successfully updated Berhasil diperbaharui
toastSoundsEnabled Sounds enabled Suara diaktifkan
toastSoundsDisabled Sounds disabled Kedengarannya dinonaktifkan
toastSensorEnabled Sensor enabled Sensor diaktifkan