Key English Indonesian
summaryProfileName Profile Profil
summaryProfileNameInfo Profile used to record this track. Profil yang digunakan untuk merekam trek ini.
summaryDeviceName Device Perangkat
summaryDeviceNameInfo Device used to record this track. Perangkat yang digunakan untuk merekam trek ini.
summaryTotalWeight Total weight Berat keseluruhan
summaryTotalWeightInfo Sum of all weights used while recording this track (rider, vehicle, cargo, …). Jumlah seluruh bobot yang digunakan saat merekam lintasan ini (pengendara, kendaraan, muatan,…).
summaryDriverWeight Driver weight Berat pengemudi
summaryDriverWeightInfo Weight of the driver (or rider) used while recording this track. Berat pengemudi (atau pengendara) yang digunakan saat merekam trek ini.
summaryVehicleWeight Vehicle weight Berat kendaraan
summaryVehicleWeightInfo Weight of the vehicle used while recording this track. Berat kendaraan yang digunakan saat merekam trek ini.
summaryWheelsWeight Wheels weight Berat roda
summaryWheelsWeightInfo Sum of weights of all wheels on the vehicle used on this track. Jumlah bobot seluruh roda pada kendaraan yang digunakan pada lintasan ini.
summaryEfficiency Efficiency Efisiensi
summaryEfficiencyInfo Overall thermal efficiency of the track's powerhouse. Efisiensi termal keseluruhan dari pembangkit tenaga listrik di lintasan.
summaryDragArea Drag area Seret daerah
summaryDragAreaInfo Air drag area (Cd·A). Daerah hambatan udara (Cd·A).
summaryRollResistCoef Roll resist coef. Koefisien penahan gulungan.
summaryRollResistCoefInfo Rolling resistance coefficient. Koefisien tahanan gelinding.
summaryRollResistCoefAverage Roll resist coef. average Koefisien penahan gulungan. rata-rata
summaryRollResistCoefAverageInfo Average rolling resistance coefficient, if the coefficient was changing during the activity. Koefisien hambatan gelinding rata-rata, jika koefisien tersebut berubah selama aktivitas berlangsung.