Key English Indonesian
speechDescent Drop: %1$s Jatuhkan: %1$s
speechClock Clock: %1$s Jam: %1$s
speechSteps Steps: %1$s Langkah-langkah: %1$s
speechRadius Radius: %1$s Jari-jari: %1$s
speechEnergy Energy: %1$s Energi: %1$s
speechCountdownGo Go! Pergi!
speechIncreasing Rising Kenaikan
speechDecreasing Dropping Jatuhan
speechTrackingStart Start Awal
speechTrackingStop Stop Berhenti
speechTrackingPause Pause Berhenti sebentar
speechTrackingResume Go Pergi
speechPromptTrackingResume Resume or finish? Lanjutkan atau selesaikan?
speechTrackingGpsOk GPS OK GPSnya oke
speechTrackingGpsWeak No GPS Tidak ada GPS
speechNavigationContinue Continue Melanjutkan
speechNavigationDestinationReached You have reached the destination Anda telah mencapai tujuan
speechNavigationGotOffRoute You have gone off the route Anda telah keluar jalur
speechNavigationWrongWay Wrong way Cara yang salah
navigationContinue Continue Melanjutkan