Key English Japanese
speechRadius Radius: %1$s 半径: %1$s
speechEnergy Energy: %1$s エネルギー: %1$s
speechCountdownGo Go! スタート!
speechIncreasing Rising 上昇
speechDecreasing Dropping 低下
speechTrackingStart Start 開始
speechTrackingStop Stop 停止
speechTrackingPause Pause 中断
speechTrackingResume Go 再開
speechPromptTrackingResume Resume or finish? 再開または完了しますか?
speechTrackingGpsOk GPS OK GPS OK
speechTrackingGpsWeak No GPS GPS ×
speechNavigationContinue Continue 続く
speechNavigationDestinationReached You have reached the destination 目的地に到着しました
speechNavigationGotOffRoute You have gone off the route ルートから外れました
speechNavigationWrongWay Wrong way 進入禁止
navigationContinue Continue 続く
navigationDestinationReached Destination 行き先
navigationGotOffRoute Off route オフルート
navigationWrongWay Wrong way 進入禁止