Key English Norwegian Bokmål
notificationTitleAdvanced %1$s
notificationTitleAdvancedPaused Paused: %1$s Pause: %1$s
licenseSuccessDialogTitle @string/app_name
licenseSuccessDialogMessage The app was licensed successfully. Thank you for your support! Appen ble lisensiert. Takk for støtten!
ongoingNotificationChannelName Ongoing notification Løpende varsling
ongoingNotificationChannelDescription Providing control of the foreground service and easy access to the app Gir kontroll over forgrunnstjenesten og enkel tilgang til appen
cautionTitle Caution Forsiktighet
dialog_default_color_light_title Light color theme Lys fargetema
dialog_default_color_dark_title Dark color theme Mørkt fargetema
dialog_default_map_track_colors_title Map track colors Kartsporfarger
dialog_default_color_text This will load the default colors. Are you sure? Dette vil laste inn standardfargene. Er du sikker?
dialog_defaultConfirmation Are you sure? Er du sikker?
dialog_volume_bell_text Bell Klokke
dialog_volume_roaring_text AVAS AVAS
dialog_volume_effects_text Effects Effekter
dialog_volume_tallies_text Tallies Tallies
dialog_volume_alarms_text Alarms Alarmer
dialog_volume_speech_text Speech Tale
dialog_volume_message Note: Use volume buttons on your device to adjust overall sound volume. Merk: Bruk volumknappene på enheten for å justere det generelle lydvolumet.
dialog_bell_automatic_sensitivity_title Auto bell sensitivity Automatisk klokkefølsomhet