Key English Dutch
meterModeFTPowerShort ftp ftp
unitFtxFt ft² ft²
pref_roaring_type_entries_0 Freehub Freehub
meterModeEfficacyShort eff eff
roarModeConstant const const
meterModeCadenceShort cad cad
pref_roaring_type_entries_1 Beep Beep
dialogBaroAltitudePromptMessage Barometric Altitude has been turned off forcibly due to discrepancy with GPS altitude!

Please do not use it in closed or air-conditioned spaces!
Barometrische Hoogte is uitgezet vanwege verschillen met de GPS hoogte!

Gebruik het niet in gesloten ruimtes of in ruimtes met airconditioning!
dialog_track_save_text Distance %1$.3f %2$s
Duration %3$s

The track seems very short. Save this track?
Afstand %1$.3f %2$s
Tijdsduur %3$s

De activiteit lijkt erg kort. Activiteit opslaan?
cloudAccountsTitle Accounts Accounts
pref_category_cloudAccounts_title Accounts Accounts
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_2 [kWh] [kWh]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_0 [kcal] [kcal]