Key English Swedish
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_0 [kcal] [kcal]
prefUnitsPowerEntries_2 [kcal/h] [kcal/h]
prefUnitsEnergyEntries_2 [kWh] [kWh]
infoMeterModeAccelerationTitle Acceleration Acceleration
meterModeAcceleration acceleration acceleration
meterModeSpeedAverage average speed medelhast.
widget_3_description Biker: Complete Biker: Complete
infoMeterModeClockMsg Current time of the day. Aktuell tid
pref_soundeffects_tally_duration_dialog_title Duration tally Längd och ...
menuFenceguard FenceGuard FenceGuard
pref_fenceguard_title FenceGuard FenceGuard
unitFtxFt ft² ft²
unitKcal kcal kcal
unitKcalH kcal/h kcal/h
unitKcalKG kcal/kg kcal/kg
unitKcalLb kcal/lb kcal/lb
unitKWH kWh kWh
unitMiPerGal mpg mpg
proLicenseLabel Pro Pro
proLicenseTitle Pro License Pro License