Key English Uzbek
toastTrackWritingError Error writing track data to storage! Try resetting again. Trek maʼlumotlarini saqlashga yozishda xatolik yuz berdi! Qayta tiklashga harakat qiling.
toastTrackZippingError Error zipping track! Try resetting again. Trekni ziplashda xatolik yuz berdi! Qayta tiklashga harakat qiling.
toastTrackMovingError Error moving track to USB storage! Try resetting again. Trekni USB xotiraga ko‘chirishda xatolik yuz berdi! Qayta tiklashga harakat qiling.
toastPressAgainToExit Press again to exit Chiqish uchun yana bosing
toastTrackingRecording Recording Yozib olish
toastTrackingRecordingPassive Passive recording Passiv yozib olish
toastTrackingPaused Paused Pauza qilingan
toastTrackingStopped Stopped To'xtatildi
toastFenceGuardFenceAdded FenceGuard: Fence %1$s added FenceGuard: Devor %1$s qo'shildi
toastFenceGuardFenceAddingError FenceGuard: Error adding fence FenceGuard: panjara qo‘shishda xatolik yuz berdi
toastFenceGuardFenceUpdated FenceGuard: Fence %1$s updated FenceGuard: Fence %1$s yangilandi
toastFenceGuardFenceUpdatingError FenceGuard: Error updating fence FenceGuard: Devorni yangilashda xatolik yuz berdi
toastFenceGuardFenceRemoved FenceGuard: Fence %1$s removed FenceGuard: Devor %1$s olib tashlandi
toastFenceGuardFenceRemovingError FenceGuard: Error removing fence FenceGuard: Devorni olib tashlashda xatolik yuz berdi
toastFenceGuardOutsideTheFence FenceGuard: You are currently not inside the fence FenceGuard: Siz hozir panjara ichida emassiz
toastFenceGuardLocationUnavailable FenceGuard: Your location still not available FenceGuard: Sizning joylashuvingiz hali ham mavjud emas
toastLocationUnavailable Your location is still not available Joylashuvingiz hali ham mavjud emas
toastProfilesListNonemptyDelete Cannot delete — Profile contains some unsaved data! Please finish first. Oʻchirib boʻlmaydi — Profilda baʼzi saqlanmagan maʼlumotlar mavjud! Iltimos, avval tugating.
toastProfilesListProfileCreated The profile has been created Profil yaratildi
toastProfilesListProfileDeleted The profile has been deleted Profil oʻchirildi