Key English Uzbek
toastProfilesListProfileDeleteError Error deleting the profile Profilni oʻchirishda xatolik yuz berdi
toastProfilesListProfileUpdated Profile updated Profil yangilandi
toastTrackDeleted Tracks deleted Treklar oʻchirildi
toastTrackDeleteError Error deleting tracks Treklarni oʻchirishda xatolik yuz berdi
toastTrackResumed Track resumed Trek davom ettirildi
toastTrackResumeGpsActiveError Please turn off or pause the tracking first Iltimos, avval GPSni o'chiring yoki to'xtatib turing
toastProfileButtonClickInfo Long-click to switch profile Profilni almashtirish uchun uzoq bosing
toastContrastButtonClickInfo Automatic visual theme is active Avtomatik vizual mavzu faol
toastFlashlightButtonClickInfo Long-click to toggle the flashlight Chiroqni almashtirish uchun sichqonchani uzoq bosing
toastRoarButtonClickInfo Long-click to toggle the AVAS sound AVAS tovushini almashtirish uchun sichqonchani uzoq bosing
toastAutoBellButtonClickInfo Long-click to toggle the auto bell sound Avtomatik qo'ng'iroq ovozini o'zgartirish uchun uzoq bosing
toastMapButtonClickInfo Long-click to toggle the map Xaritani almashtirish uchun sichqonchani uzoq bosing
toastMapClickInfo Long-tap for map options Xarita opsiyalari uchun uzoq bosing
toastMapFollowingOn Follow on Davom eting
toastMapFollowingAutorotate Auto-rotate on Avtomatik aylantirish yoqilgan
toastMapFollowingOff Follow off Kuzatib boring
toastMapLayerTrafficOn Traffic on Trafik yoqilgan
toastMapLayerTrafficOff Traffic off Trafik o'chirilgan
toastErrorCreatingOfflineMap Error creating offline map Oflayn xaritani yaratishda xatolik yuz berdi
toastErrorAccessingExternalStorage Error accessing external storage Tashqi xotiraga kirishda xatolik yuz berdi