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dialogNotificationPermissionRequestTitle Notification permission Bildirishnoma ruxsati
dialogNotificationPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can show an ongoing notification while tracking is active. Kuzatuv faol boʻlganda ilova davom etayotgan bildirishnomani koʻrsatishi uchun ruxsat kerak.
dialogScreenshotTitle Screenshot Skrinshot
dialogGoogleMapTermsViolation Google does not permit capturing contents of their maps, so map type must first be changed to any other.

Change map type now?
Google oʻz xaritalari mazmunini yozib olishga ruxsat bermaydi, shuning uchun avval xarita turini boshqasiga oʻzgartirish kerak.

Xarita turi hozir oʻzgartirilsinmi?
dialogWaitTitle Please wait Iltimos kuting
dialogScreenshotPreparing Preparing screenshot… Skrinshot tayyorlanmoqda…
dialogLoginUsernameHint Username Foydalanuvchi nomi
dialogLoginPasswordHint Password Parol
dialogCloudAccountDisconnectMessage Disconnect this account? Bu hisob uzilsinmi?
dialogOfflineMapsChooseTitle Offline maps problem Oflayn xaritalar muammosi
dialogOfflineMapsChooseMessage Map file not found or is not accessible. Choose some other maps file/folder now? Xarita fayli topilmadi yoki unga kirish imkoni yo'q. Endi boshqa xaritalar fayl/papkasini tanlaysizmi?
dialogOfflineMapsFolderCopyTitle Copy to maps folder Xaritalar jildiga nusxalash
dialogOfflineMapsFolderCopyMessage Selected content must be copied to the app-specific maps folder in order to be used.

Do this now?
Tanlangan kontentdan foydalanish uchun ilovaga tegishli xaritalar jildiga ko‘chirilishi kerak.

Buni hozir qilaylikmi?
dialogCopyingMessage Copying… Nusxa olinmoqda…
dialogRevokeAccessPromptMessage Revoke access? Kirish bekor qilinsinmi?
dialogCustomTracksFolderInfoMessage This feature allows the app to read tracks from a folder of your choice, in addition to the main tracks folder — whose location has recently changed.

Such tracks are read-only: They can be viewed and shared, but cannot be edited, resumed nor deleted.
Bu xususiyat ilovaga joylashuvi yaqinda oʻzgargan asosiy treklar papkasidan tashqari siz tanlagan papkadan treklarni oʻqish imkonini beradi.

Bunday treklar faqat o'qish uchun mo'ljallangan: ularni ko'rish va baham ko'rish mumkin, lekin tahrirlash, davom ettirish yoki o'chirib bo'lmaydi.
dialogDataStorageInfoMessage @string/dataStorageInfo1
dialogMeterModesTitle Choose available modes Mavjud rejimlarni tanlang
dialogLayoutChooseTitle Layout Tartib
dialogLayoutChooseSubtitle Choose display layout Displey tartibini tanlang