Key English Uzbek
googleFitConnectButton Connect with Google Fit Google Fit bilan ulaning
veloHeroConnectButton Connect with Velo Hero Velo Hero bilan bog'laning
stravaTrackPrivacyInfo Track will inherit default privacy you set on Strava Track siz Strava’da o‘rnatgan birlamchi maxfiylikni meros qilib oladi
cloudAccountsPowerUploadPolicyTitle Power data upload policy Quvvat maʼlumotlarini yuklash siyosati
cloudAccountsPowerUploadPolicy_0 Always (default) Har doim (standart)
cloudAccountsPowerUploadPolicy_1 Upload power data only when power meter was used Quvvat ma'lumotlarini faqat quvvat o'lchagich ishlatilganda yuklang
chartsTitle Charts Grafikalar
tracksHistoryListTitle Tracks history Tarixni kuzatadi
tracksHistoryListTitleSelect Select Tanlang
tracksHistoryListEmpty No tracks here. Go out and record an activity! Bu yerda treklar yo'q. Tashqariga chiqing va faoliyatni yozib oling!
tracksHistoryListLoading Loading… Yuklanmoqda…
tracksHistoryDataStorageLink Warning: The app is using the default folder for tracks and data. Click here to change. Ogohlantirish: Ilova treklar va maʼlumotlar uchun standart jilddan foydalanmoqda. Oʻzgartirish uchun shu yerni bosing.
tracksHistoryGrantAccess Missing tracks?
Click here to grant read-only access to a custom tracks folder…
Yo'qolgan treklar?
Maxsus treklar jildiga faqat oʻqish uchun ruxsat berish uchun shu yerni bosing…
tracksHistoryListNoMap Map was not recorded. Xarita yozilmagan.
tracksHistoryListButtonView View Ko'rinish
tracksHistoryListButtonShare Share Ulashish
tracksHistoryListButtonUpload Upload Yuklash
tracksHistoryListButtonResume Resume Rezyume; qayta boshlash
tracksHistoryListButtonEdit Edit Tahrirlash
tracksHistoryListButtonDelete Delete Oʻchirish