Key English Uzbek
tracksHistoryListShareTrackDialogTitle Share track to… Trekni ulashish…
tracksHistoryListViewTrackDialogTitle View track with… Trekni koʻrish…
tracksHistoryChartEmptyInfo Nothing to show Ko'rsatish uchun hech narsa
powerSourceWeightTitle Power source weight Quvvat manbai og'irligi
powerSourceWeightInfo When translating power (watts) into specific power (watts per unit weight), a weight must be given.

This is usually the weight of the entity providing a driving force.

Note: Climb power is always computed using Total weight.
Quvvatni (vatt) o'ziga xos quvvatga (og'irlik birligi uchun vatt) o'tkazishda og'irlik berilishi kerak.

Bu odatda harakatlantiruvchi kuchni ta'minlovchi ob'ektning og'irligi.

Eslatma: Vertikal quvvat har doim umumiy og'irlik yordamida hisoblanadi.
powerSourceWeight_0 Total Jami
powerSourceWeight_1 Driver Haydovchi
powerSourceWeight_2 Vehicle Transport vositasi
powerSourceWeight_3 Driver + Vehicle Haydovchi + Avtomobil
summaryProfileName Profile Profil
summaryProfileNameInfo Profile used to record this track. Ushbu trekni yozib olish uchun profil ishlatilgan.
summaryDeviceName Device Qurilma
summaryDeviceNameInfo Device used to record this track. Ushbu trekni yozib olish uchun qurilma ishlatilgan.
summaryTotalWeight Total weight Umumiy og'irlik
summaryTotalWeightInfo Sum of all weights used while recording this track (rider, vehicle, cargo, …). Ushbu trekni yozib olishda foydalanilgan barcha og'irliklar yig'indisi (chavandoz, transport vositasi, yuk, ...).
summaryDriverWeight Driver weight Haydovchi og'irligi
summaryDriverWeightInfo Weight of the driver (or rider) used while recording this track. Ushbu trekni yozib olishda ishlatiladigan haydovchining (yoki chavandozning) og'irligi.
summaryVehicleWeight Vehicle weight Avtomobil og'irligi
summaryVehicleWeightInfo Weight of the vehicle used while recording this track. Ushbu trekni yozib olishda foydalanilgan avtomobilning og'irligi.
summaryWheelsWeight Wheels weight G'ildiraklarning og'irligi