Key English Uzbek
pref_category_cloudAccounts_title Accounts Hisoblar
pref_category_storage_title Storage Saqlash
pref_category_mapsQuickZoom QuickZoom QuickZoom
pref_category_mapsCache Cache Kesh
pref_category_onlineElevation_title Online elevation Onlayn balandlik
pref_category_mapsRenderer Renderer Renderer
prefAllProfilesInfoSummary Preferences here are applicable to all profiles. Bu yerdagi afzalliklar barcha profillarga tegishli.
prefOnlineMapsProviderTitle Online map provider Onlayn xarita provayderi
pref_app_language_summary (All profiles) (Barcha profillar)
pref_app_language_dialog_title Language Til
pref_app_language_translate_title Help translate Tarjima qilishga yordam bering
pref_app_language_translate_summary Click here if you would like to help translate this app to another language Agar siz ushbu ilovani boshqa tilga tarjima qilishga yordam berishni istasangiz, shu yerni bosing
pref_back_key_mode_dialog_title Back key mode Orqaga tugma rejimi
pref_resetToDefault Reset to default Standart holatga qaytarish
pref_units_distance_title Distance Masofa
pref_units_distance_dialog_title Distance units Masofa birliklari
pref_units_speed_title Speed Tezlik
pref_units_speed_dialog_title Speed units Tezlik birliklari
pref_units_altitude_title Altitude Balandlik
pref_units_altitude_dialog_title Altitude units Balandlik birliklari