Key English Uzbek
pref_maps_online_mode_title @null
pref_maps_online_mode_dialog_title Maps source Xaritalar manbasi
pref_maps_offline_file_title Select file or folder Fayl yoki jildni tanlang
pref_mapsOfflineFileSummary Map files must be copied to the app-specific maps folder in order to be used Xarita fayllarini ishlatish uchun ilovaga tegishli xaritalar jildiga nusxalash kerak
pref_maps_offline_file_noFolderSelected No folder selected. Hech qanday jild tanlanmagan.
pref_maps_offline_info_title Download now Hozir yuklab olmoq
pref_maps_offline_info_summary Mapsforge vector (.map) and Rmaps raster (.sqlitedb) maps are supported. Available at Mapsforge vektor (.map) va Rmaps raster (.sqlitedb) xaritalari qo'llab-quvvatlanadi. saytida mavjud.
pref_maps_offline_recommendation We recommend using vector maps from as they are the most complete and contain terrain contours. Click here to open the downloads page now. dan vektor xaritalaridan foydalanishni tavsiya qilamiz, chunki ular eng toʻliq va er konturlarini oʻz ichiga oladi. Hozir yuklab olish sahifasini ochish uchun shu yerni bosing.
pref_maps_offline_usage_summary Usage: Select the downloaded map file with the option above. Foydalanish: Yuqoridagi variant bilan yuklab olingan xarita faylini tanlang.
pref_maps_offline_warning_summary Warning: Some online data may be retrieved even in offline mode. Please disable mobile Internet before using maps, if concerned. Ogohlantirish: Ba'zi onlayn ma'lumotlar hatto oflayn rejimda ham olinishi mumkin. Xaritalardan foydalanishdan oldin mobil Internetni o'chirib qo'ying.
prefMapsFolderExploreTitle Explore maps folder Xaritalar papkasini o'rganing
prefMapsFolderExploreSummary Manage the contents of the app-specific maps folder with a file explorer app Fayl tadqiqotchisi ilovasi yordamida ilovaga tegishli xaritalar jildining mazmunini boshqaring
pref_maps_routes_draw_title Guide routes Yo'l-yo'riqlar
pref_maps_routes_draw_summary Draw selected GPX routes over the map Tanlangan GPX marshrutlarini xaritada chizing
pref_maps_routes_info_summary Guide route is simply a line drawn over the map that you can follow. For step-by-step directions, use the Navigation feature. Yoʻlboshchi marshruti oddiygina siz kuzatishingiz mumkin boʻlgan xarita ustida chizilgan chiziqdir. Bosqichma-bosqich ko'rsatmalar uchun Navigatsiya funksiyasidan foydalaning.
pref_maps_routes_files_title Select file or folder Fayl yoki jildni tanlang
pref_maps_routes_files_dialog_title Choose routes folder or file Marshrutlar papkasini yoki faylini tanlang
pref_maps_routes_files_summary %1$s
pref_maps_routes_files_noFolderSelected No folder selected. Hech qanday jild tanlanmagan.
pref_maps_routes_resetToDefault_title @string/pref_resetToDefault