Key English Uzbek
prefPressureSensorOffsetInfo This constant is added to pressure readouts and can be used to mitigate sensor bias, if present. Bu doimiy bosim ko'rsatkichlariga qo'shiladi va agar mavjud bo'lsa, sensorning noto'g'riligini yumshatish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin.
prefNotificationAlwaysTitle Persistent notification Doimiy bildirishnoma
prefNotificationAlwaysSummary Show app notification icon in system status bar at all times, not only when tracking is active. Ilova bildirishnomasi belgisini faqat kuzatuv faol bo‘lgandagina emas, tizim holati satrida ham ko‘rsating.
prefMapDiskCacheSizeTitle Map cache size limit Xarita kesh hajmi chegarasi
prefMapDiskCacheSizeSummary When viewing a map, both online and offline, parts are being cached locally to reduce the need for repeated download or recreation. This speeds up map loading and saves battery. Xaritani onlayn va oflayn rejimda ko'rayotganda, takroriy yuklab olish yoki dam olish zaruratini kamaytirish uchun qismlar mahalliy sifatida keshlanadi. Bu xaritani yuklashni tezlashtiradi va batareya quvvatini tejaydi.
prefMapDiskCacheAgeTitle Map cache age limit Xarita kesh yoshi chegarasi
prefProhibitLocationTitle Do not use Location Joylashuvdan foydalanmang
prefProhibitLocationSummary Prevent GPS during activity Faoliyat paytida GPS-ni oldini olish
prefProhibitLocationAlertInfo Location will never be turned on nor used during activity, so map will not be available.

Data will be acquired exclusively from other sensors where available (Power, Speed, Cadence, Heart rate, Steps, Environment).
Joylashuvni aniqlash hech qachon yoqilmaydi va faoliyat davomida foydalanilmaydi, shuning uchun xarita mavjud bo‘lmaydi.

Ma'lumotlar faqat mavjud bo'lgan boshqa sensorlardan olinadi (Quvvat, Tezlik, Kadens, Yurak urishi tezligi, Qadamlar, Atrof muhit).
prefMapTrackColorTitle Track color Track rangi
prefMapGuideRouteColorTitle Guide route color Yoʻriqnoma rangi
prefActivityRecognitionNoteSummary These options rely on Android's physical activity recognition feature. It may not be accurate and can be laggy, use only if you are okay with that. Will work best when a speed sensor is used for distance and duration. Bu variantlar Androidning jismoniy faollikni aniqlash xususiyatiga tayanadi. Bu to'g'ri bo'lmasligi va kechikishi mumkin, agar siz bunga rozi bo'lsangizgina foydalaning. Tezlik sensori masofa va vaqt uchun ishlatilsa yaxshi ishlaydi.
prefGnssActivityRecognitionTitle Reduce GPS noise GPS shovqinini kamaytiring
prefGnssActivityRecognitionSummary Recognize standing still vs. moving for GPS. This may introduce lag and some lost distance or altitude after a break, but will prevent most GPS noise. GPS uchun harakatsiz va harakatsizni tan oling. Bu tanaffusdan keyin kechikish va ba'zi yo'qolgan masofa yoki balandlikni keltirib chiqarishi mumkin, lekin ko'pchilik GPS shovqinining oldini oladi.
prefGnssAutomaticSleepTitle GPS auto sleep GPS avtomatik uyqu
prefGnssAutomaticSleepSummary Turn off location automatically while being still, and back on when movement starts. This reduces battery usage on longer breaks, without the need to stop the tracking. Jim turganingizda joylashuvni avtomatik ravishda o'chiring va harakat boshlanganda yana yoqing. Bu kuzatuvni to'xtatmasdan, uzoqroq tanaffuslarda batareyadan foydalanishni kamaytiradi.
prefAppVisualThemeSummary (All profiles) (Barcha profillar)
prefAppVisualThemeTitle @null
prefAppVisualThemeDialogTitle App visual theme Ilova vizual mavzu
prefAutoTerrainTitle AutoTerrain AutoTerrain