Key English Uzbek
infoMeterModeEnergyTitle Energy Energiya
infoMeterModeEnergyMsg Energy spent for the trip, taking efficiency and BMR into account. Sayohat uchun sarflangan energiya, samaradorlik va BMRni hisobga olgan holda.
infoMeterModeEfficacyTitle Efficacy (cumulative) Samaradorlik (kumulyativ)
infoMeterModeEfficacyMsg Part of the energy spent that would suffice to make the same trip by moving at a constant speed equal to the average speed. Higher is better. Sarflangan energiyaning bir qismi o'rtacha tezlikka teng doimiy tezlikda harakat qilib, bir xil sayohatni amalga oshirish uchun etarli bo'ladi. Yuqoriroq yaxshi.
infoMeterModeAscentTitle Ascent Ko'tarilish
infoMeterModeAscentMsg Cumulative altitude gain (climb). Kümülatif balandlik ortishi (ko'tarilish).
infoMeterModeDescentTitle Descent Pastga tushish
infoMeterModeDescentMsg Cumulative altitude loss (drop). Kümülatif balandlikning yo'qolishi (tushish).
infoMeterModeWriggleTitle Wriggle Burish
infoMeterModeWriggleMsg Measure of route deviation from a straight line, i.e. how much it fills the area instead of going straight. Lower is usually better. To'g'ri chiziqdan marshrutning og'ishini o'lchash, ya'ni u to'g'ri borish o'rniga maydonni qanchalik to'ldiradi. Odatda pastroq bo'ladi.
infoMeterModeAltitudeTitle Altitude Balandlik
infoMeterModeAltitudeMsg Height above mean sea level (geoid). Dengiz sathidan oʻrtacha balandlik (geoid).
infoMeterModeSlopeTitle Slope Nishab
infoMeterModeSlopeMsg Slope (gradient), a number describing terrain tilt where zero is horizontal. Higher number means steeper ascent, and negative is for descent. Nishab (gradient), nol gorizontal bo'lgan erning egilishini tavsiflovchi raqam. Yuqori raqam tik ko'tarilishni anglatadi, salbiy esa tushish uchun.
infoMeterModeSpeedTitle Speed Tezlik
infoMeterModeSpeedMsg Instantaneous distance covered per unit of time. Vaqt birligi uchun bosib o'tilgan lahzali masofa.
infoMeterModeVerticalSpeedTitle Climb speed Vertikal tezlik
infoMeterModeVerticalSpeedMsg Speed in the up (positive) or down (negative) vertical direction. Yuqori (ijobiy) yoki pastga (salbiy) vertikal yo'nalishda tezlik.
infoMeterModePaceTitle Pace Tezlik
infoMeterModePaceMsg Inverse speed, i.e. time elapsed per unit of distance. Teskari tezlik, ya'ni masofa birligiga o'tgan vaqt.