Key English Uzbek
prefScreensaverDimBrightnessEntries_1 ⅕ of the current brightness joriy yorqinlikning ⅕
prefScreensaverDimBrightnessEntries_2 ⅓ of the current brightness (default) Joriy yorqinlikning ⅓ qismi (standart)
prefScreensaverDimBrightnessEntries_3 ½ of the current brightness joriy yorqinlikning ½ qismi
prefScreensaverDimBrightnessEntries_4 Leave as is Xuddi shunday qoldiring
prefAppVisualThemeEntries_0 System default Tizim standarti
prefAppVisualThemeEntries_1 Light Nur
prefAppVisualThemeEntries_2 Dark Qorong'i
prefSteadyScreenModeAuto Intelligent enabled (default) Intelligent yoqilgan (standart)
prefSteadyScreenModeAutoInfo Activate screen stabilization feature only on bumpy terrain during tracking. This is a good balance of comfort and battery use. Kuzatuv vaqtida ekranni barqarorlashtirish funksiyasini faqat notekis erlarda faollashtiring. Bu qulaylik va batareyadan foydalanishning yaxshi muvozanatidir.
prefSteadyScreenModeOn Enabled Yoqilgan
prefSteadyScreenModeOnInfo Keep screen stabilization feature always active during tracking. This may consume more battery while the screen is on. Kuzatuv vaqtida ekranni barqarorlashtirish funksiyasini doimo faol holda saqlang. Bu ekran yoqilgan paytda ko'proq batareya sarf qilishi mumkin.
prefSteadyScreenModeOff Off Oʻchirilgan
prefSteadyScreenModeOffInfo Never activate screen stabilization feature Hech qachon ekranni barqarorlashtirish funksiyasini faollashtirmang
prefSteadyScreenImplementationTitle Implementation Amalga oshirish
prefSteadyScreenImplementationNote (All profiles) External implementation requires a separate app to be installed. Click here to open the Play Store. (Barcha profillar) Tashqi tatbiq alohida ilova oʻrnatilishini talab qiladi. Play Marketni ochish uchun shu yerni bosing.
prefSteadyScreenImplementationInternal Internal (default) Ichki (standart)
prefSteadyScreenImplementationInternalInfo Use our own screen stabilization implementation. Easier to use, non-adjustable. O'zimizning ekranni barqarorlashtirish dasturidan foydalaning. Foydalanish osonroq, sozlanmaydi.
prefSteadyScreenImplementationExternal External Tashqi
prefSteadyScreenImplementationExternalInfo A separate app must be installed for this to work. Adjustable. Buning ishlashi uchun alohida dastur o'rnatilgan bo'lishi kerak. Sozlanishi.
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