Key English Chinese (Simplified)
pref_roaring_type_entries_0 Freehub 飞轮
pref_hud_axis_entries_1 Upside down — More practical device handling 颠倒——更实用的设备操作
pref_bell_shake_sensitivity_title Shake sensitivity 震动灵敏度
dialogCameraPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can activate the flashlight. 需要获得许可,应用程序才能激活手电筒。
dialogBluetoothPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can find and connect with wireless sensors. 需要获得许可,应用程序才能找到并连接无线传感器。
dialogNotificationPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can show an ongoing notification while tracking is active. 需要获得许可,以便应用程序可以在跟踪处于活动状态时显示持续的通知。
dialogActivityRecognitionPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can use the built-in Step Detector sensor, and perform other useful actions when motion is detected. 需要获得许可,以便应用程序可以使用内置的步进检测器传感器,并在检测到运动时执行其他有用的操作。
dialogWeatherInfoMessage Radar data is updated every 10 minutes. Filled icon indicates fresh data, empty icon means an update is near.

Yellow and red colors show areas of more precipitation.

Last 1 hour of radar data can be animated to reveal precipitation trends.
雷达数据每 10 分钟更新一次。实心图标表示新数据,空图标表示即将更新。


最后 1 小时的雷达数据可以通过动画显示降水趋势。
pref_mapsWeatherAnimate_info Radar animation can use up to 5x more Internet data than a static radar image. 雷达动画可以使用比静态雷达图像多 5 倍的互联网数据。
menuHideTotals Hide totals 隐藏总计
controlPanelMapHideButtonTitle Hide map 隐藏地图
navigationHidePrompt Hide 隐藏
pref_categoryPrivacyTitle Privacy 隐私
dialogCustomTracksFolderInfoMessage This feature allows the app to read tracks from a folder of your choice, in addition to the main tracks folder — whose location has recently changed.

Such tracks are read-only: They can be viewed and shared, but cannot be edited, resumed nor deleted.

pref_roar_threshold_speed_title Threshold speed 阈值速度
pref_category_flashlightBlinkMode_title Flickering 闪烁
toastAutoBellButtonClickInfo Long-click to toggle the auto bell sound 长按可切换自动铃声
speechNavigationWrongWay Wrong way 错误的方法
navigationWrongWay Wrong way 错误的方法
pref_duck_roaring_on_bell_summary Lower the volume of AVAS sounds when the bell rings 铃声响起时降低 AVAS 声音的音量