Key English Chinese (Simplified)
app_description Track and measure your rides with great accuracy. Increase your cycling safety and efficiency. 非常準確地追踪和測量您的騎行。 提高您的騎行安全性和效率。
app_name Urban Biker Urban Biker
buttonLater Later 晚點
buttonNewTrack Finish 完成
buttonResumeTrack Resume 恢復
buttonShow Show 顯示
buttonUnderstand I understand 我瞭解
cancel Cancel 取消
cautionTitle Caution 警告
controlPanelLocationButton Location 位置
controlPanelMapShowButtonTitle Show map 顯示地圖
controlPanelSensorsButtonSubtitle Click to manage sensors 點擊管理傳感器
controlPanelSensorsButtonTitle Sensors 傳感器
controlPanelSoundAlarms Alarms 警報
controlPanelSoundAutoBell Automatic bell 自動響安
controlPanelSoundTallies Tallies 相符
controlPanelSoundVolume Volumes 音量
copyrightVersionInfo <b>v%1$s</b> (%2$s)
dataStorageStatsLoadingMessage @string/computing
defaultProfileNameBike1 Bike 1 🚴 單車 1 🚴