Key English Chinese (Simplified)
dialog_fenceguard_remove_formatText Are you sure to remove the fence %1$s? 您確定要移除圍欄 %1$s 嗎?
dialog_fenceguard_remove_title Remove fence 移除圍欄
dialog_fenceguard_title @string/menuFenceguard
dialog_fenceguard_update_text Fence name: 圍欄名稱:
dialog_fenceguard_update_text2 Fence raised around your location protects it from being exposed in recorded tracks. 在您的位置周圍豎起圍欄可防止其暴露在追蹤紀錄中。
dialog_fenceguard_update_title Update fence 更新圍欄
dialog_track_save_text Distance %1$.3f %2$s
Duration %3$s

The track seems very short. Save this track?
距離 %1$.3f %2$s
持續時間 %3$s

追蹤似乎很短。 保存此追蹤?
dialog_volume_alarms_text Alarms 警報
dialog_volume_bell_text Bell 鈴聲
dialog_volume_effects_text Effects 效果
dialog_volume_message Note: Use volume buttons on your device to adjust overall sound volume. 注意:使用設備上的音量按鈕調節整體音量。
dialog_volume_roaring_text AVAS 汽車
dialog_volume_speech_text Speech 報告
dialog_volume_tallies_text Tallies 相符
dialogBaroAltitudeNoticeMessage Barometric Altitude works only outdoors.

Please do not use it in closed or air-conditioned spaces like some vehicles and airplanes.

dialogBaroAltitudeNoticeTitle Notice 注意
dialogBaroAltitudePromptMessage Barometric Altitude has been turned off forcibly due to discrepancy with GPS altitude!

Please do not use it in closed or air-conditioned spaces!
由於與 GPS 高度不一致,氣壓高度已被強制關閉!

dialogDataStorageInfoMessage @string/dataStorageInfo1
dialogEnergyParamsTitle Energy parameters 能量參數
dialogFileChooseSelectFolder Select this folder 選擇此文件夾