This application needs the AccessibilityService API to retrieve interactive windows on the screen, in order to find compatible ones. The service then sends multiple "move window" accessibility actions to such windows, as needed, to perform the intended function.
Aplikasi iki mbutuhake API AccessibilityService kanggo njupuk jendhela interaktif ing layar, supaya bisa nemokake sing kompatibel. Layanan kasebut banjur ngirim sawetara tumindak aksesibilitas "pindhah jendhela" menyang jendhela kasebut, yen perlu, kanggo nindakake fungsi sing dimaksud.
Shake the device a little. Notice how the background content softens these movements, making on-screen reading easier. (Stilly service must be enabled in the Accessibility settings for this to happen.) This functionality can be easily implemented in any application. Please follow the instructions on GitHub.
Goyangake piranti kasebut sethithik. Elinga carane isi latar mburi soften gerakan iki, nggawe maca ing layar luwih gampang. (Layanan tetep kudu diaktifake ing setelan Aksesibilitas supaya bisa kedadeyan.) Fungsi iki bisa gampang dileksanakake ing aplikasi apa wae. Mangga tindakake pandhuan ing GitHub.
⛵ This service allows compatible applications to easily counteract small device movements within their user interface. 🏝️ This can improve screen readability and possibly alleviate motion sickness while on the go, e.g. while reading in a moving vehicle. ⚡ The application has been crafted very meticulously, in order to minimize resource usage and maximize performance. Hope you enjoy it 😊
⛵ Layanan iki ngidini aplikasi sing kompatibel bisa gampang nglawan obahe piranti cilik ing antarmuka pangguna. 🏝️ Iki bisa nambah keterbacaan layar lan bisa uga nyuda mabuk nalika lelungan, contone. nalika maca ing kendaraan obah. ⚡ Aplikasi wis digawe kanthi tliti, supaya bisa nyilikake panggunaan sumber daya lan ngoptimalake kinerja. Semoga terhibur 😊