Component | Translated | Untranslated | Untranslated words | Untranslated characters | Checks | Suggestions | Comments | |
Strings Apache-2.0 | 7% | 50 | 1,714 | 9,399 | 50 | 0 | 0 | |
Project website | |
Instructions for translators | |
Translation license | Apache-2.0 Strings |
String statistics
Strings percent | Hosted strings | Words percent | Hosted words | Characters percent | Hosted characters | |
Total | 54 | 1,718 | 9,477 | |||
Translated | 7% | 4 | 1% | 4 | 1% | 78 |
Needs editing | 92% | 50 | 99% | 1,714 | 99% | 9,399 |
Failing checks | 92% | 50 | 99% | 1,714 | 99% | 9,399 |
Strings with suggestions | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 |
Not translated strings | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 |
Time se pPostavljaite željenau brzina senzora. Više vrijednosti mogu trošiti više baterije. To se može razlikovati od izmjerene brzine senzora jer sustav na kraju odlučuje koju će stopu datiu uzorkovanja senzora kretanja. Više vrijednosti pružaju veću točnost, ali mogu trošiti više baterije.