
Key English Hausa
accServiceDesc ⛵ This service allows compatible applications to easily counteract small device movements within their user interface.

🏝️ This can improve screen readability and possibly alleviate motion sickness while on the go, e.g. while reading in a moving vehicle.

🛡️ The app needs your permission to know which window is visible on the screen. It does not read window contents.

ℹ️ Find more info, implementation details and examples on:
⛵ Wannan sabis ɗin yana ba da damar aikace-aikacen da suka dace da sauƙi don magance ƙananan motsin na'ura a cikin mahaɗin mai amfani da su.

🏝️ Wannan na iya inganta karatun allo da yuwuwar rage ciwon motsi yayin tafiya, misali. yayin karatu a cikin abin hawa mai motsi.

🛡️ App ɗin yana buƙatar izinin ku don sanin wane taga ne akan allo. Ba ya karanta abubuwan da ke cikin taga.

ℹ️ Nemo ƙarin bayani, cikakkun bayanan aiwatarwa da misalai akan:
appDesc ⛵ This service allows compatible applications to easily counteract small device movements within their user interface.

🏝️ This can improve screen readability and possibly alleviate motion sickness while on the go, e.g. while reading in a moving vehicle.

⚡ The application has been crafted very meticulously, in order to minimize resource usage and maximize performance.

Hope you enjoy it 😊
⛵ Wannan sabis ɗin yana ba da damar aikace-aikacen da suka dace da sauƙi don magance ƙananan motsin na'ura a cikin mahaɗin mai amfani da su.

🏝️ Wannan na iya inganta karatun allo da yuwuwar rage ciwon motsi yayin tafiya, misali. yayin karatu a cikin abin hawa mai motsi.

⚡ An tsara aikace-aikacen sosai, don rage yawan amfani da albarkatu da haɓaka aiki.

Da fatan za ku ji daɗi 😊
aboutScreenTranslationsTitle Translations Fassara
aboutScreenTranslationsText Help translate this app and get a free license! More info: Taimaka fassara wannan app kuma sami lasisi kyauta! Karin bayani:
aboutScreenLicenseTitle App license Lasin app
aboutScreenLicenseText This application is free and works without limitations. However, the parameters will return to their default values after 1 hour without a license. Wannan aikace-aikacen kyauta ne kuma yana aiki ba tare da iyakancewa ba. Koyaya, sigogin za su koma ga tsoffin ƙimar su bayan awa 1 ba tare da lasisi ba.
aboutScreenGithubLink Stilly on GitHub Stilly akan GitHub
openSourceLicensesTitle Open source licenses Bude lasisin tushe
loremIpsum (This text is for demonstration purposes)

The soldier with the green whiskers led them through the streets of the Emerald City until they reached the room where the Guardian of the Gates lived. This officer unlocked their spectacles to put them back in his great box, and then he politely opened the gate for our friends.

"Which road leads to the Wicked Witch of the West?" asked Dorothy.

"There is no road," answered the Guardian of the Gates. "No one ever wishes to go that way."

"How, then, are we to find her?" inquired the girl.

"That will be easy," replied the man, "for when she knows you are in the country of the Winkies she will find you, and make you all her slaves."

"Perhaps not," said the Scarecrow, "for we mean to destroy her."

"Oh, that is different," said the Guardian of the Gates. "No one has ever destroyed her before, so I naturally thought she would make slaves of you, as she has of the rest. But take care; for she is wicked and fierce, and may not allow you to destroy her. Keep to the West, where the sun sets, and you cannot fail to find her."

They thanked him and bade him good-bye, and turned toward the West, walking over fields of soft grass dotted here and there with daisies and buttercups. Dorothy still wore the pretty silk dress she had put on in the palace, but now, to her surprise, she found it was no longer green, but pure white. The ribbon around Toto's neck had also lost its green color and was as white as Dorothy's dress.

The Emerald City was soon left far behind. As they advanced the ground became rougher and hillier, for there were no farms nor houses in this country of the West, and the ground was untilled.

In the afternoon the sun shone hot in their faces, for there were no trees to offer them shade; so that before night Dorothy and Toto and the Lion were tired, and lay down upon the grass and fell asleep, with the Woodman and the Scarecrow keeping watch.

Now the Wicked Witch of the West had but one eye, yet that was as powerful as a telescope, and could see everywhere. So, as she sat in the door of her castle, she happened to look around and saw Dorothy lying asleep, with her friends all about her. They were a long distance off, but the Wicked Witch was angry to find them in her country; so she blew upon a silver whistle that hung around her neck.

At once there came running to her from all directions a pack of great wolves. They had long legs and fierce eyes and sharp teeth.

"Go to those people," said the Witch, "and tear them to pieces."

"Are you not going to make them your slaves?" asked the leader of the wolves.

"No," she answered, "one is of tin, and one of straw; one is a girl and another a Lion. None of them is fit to work, so you may tear them into small pieces."

"Very well," said the wolf, and he dashed away at full speed, followed by the others.

It was lucky the Scarecrow and the Woodman were wide awake and heard the wolves coming.

"This is my fight," said the Woodman, "so get behind me and I will meet them as they come."

He seized his axe, which he had made very sharp, and as the leader of the wolves came on the Tin Woodman swung his arm and chopped the wolf's head from its body, so that it immediately died. As soon as he could raise his axe another wolf came up, and he also fell under the sharp edge of the Tin Woodman's weapon. There were forty wolves, and forty times a wolf was killed, so that at last they all lay dead in a heap before the Woodman.

Then he put down his axe and sat beside the Scarecrow, who said, "It was a good fight, friend."

They waited until Dorothy awoke the next morning. The little girl was quite frightened when she saw the great pile of shaggy wolves, but the Tin Woodman told her all. She thanked him for saving them and sat down to breakfast, after which they started again upon their journey.

Now this same morning the Wicked Witch came to the door of her castle and looked out with her one eye that could see far off. She saw all her wolves lying dead, and the strangers still traveling through her country. This made her angrier than before, and she blew her silver whistle twice.

Straightway a great flock of wild crows came flying toward her, enough to darken the sky.

And the Wicked Witch said to the King Crow, "Fly at once to the strangers; peck out their eyes and tear them to pieces."

The wild crows flew in one great flock toward Dorothy and her companions. When the little girl saw them coming she was afraid.

But the Scarecrow said, "This is my battle, so lie down beside me and you will not be harmed."

So they all lay upon the ground except the Scarecrow, and he stood up and stretched out his arms. And when the crows saw him they were frightened, as these birds always are by scarecrows, and did not dare to come any nearer. But the King Crow said:

"It is only a stuffed man. I will peck his eyes out."

The King Crow flew at the Scarecrow, who caught it by the head and twisted its neck until it died. And then another crow flew at him, and the Scarecrow twisted its neck also. There were forty crows, and forty times the Scarecrow twisted a neck, until at last all were lying dead beside him. Then he called to his companions to rise, and again they went upon their journey.

When the Wicked Witch looked out again and saw all her crows lying in a heap, she got into a terrible rage, and blew three times upon her silver whistle.

Forthwith there was heard a great buzzing in the air, and a swarm of black bees came flying toward her.

"Go to the strangers and sting them to death!" commanded the Witch, and the bees turned and flew rapidly until they came to where Dorothy and her friends were walking. But the Woodman had seen them coming, and the Scarecrow had decided what to do.

"Take out my straw and scatter it over the little girl and the dog and the Lion," he said to the Woodman, "and the bees cannot sting them." This the Woodman did, and as Dorothy lay close beside the Lion and held Toto in her arms, the straw covered them entirely.

The bees came and found no one but the Woodman to sting, so they flew at him and broke off all their stings against the tin, without hurting the Woodman at all. And as bees cannot live when their stings are broken that was the end of the black bees, and they lay scattered thick about the Woodman, like little heaps of fine coal.

Then Dorothy and the Lion got up, and the girl helped the Tin Woodman put the straw back into the Scarecrow again, until he was as good as ever. So they started upon their journey once more.

The Wicked Witch was so angry when she saw her black bees in little heaps like fine coal that she stamped her foot and tore her hair and gnashed her teeth. And then she called a dozen of her slaves, who were the Winkies, and gave them sharp spears, telling them to go to the strangers and destroy them.

The Winkies were not a brave people, but they had to do as they were told. So they marched away until they came near to Dorothy. Then the Lion gave a great roar and sprang towards them, and the poor Winkies were so frightened that they ran back as fast as they could.
(Wannan rubutun don dalilai ne na nunawa)

Sojan da koren barasa ya jagorance su cikin titunan birnin Emerald har suka isa dakin da mai gadin kofar ke zaune. Wannan jami'in ya buɗe faifan kallon su don mayar da su cikin babban akwatinsa, sannan ya buɗe wa abokanmu cikin ladabi.

"Wace hanya ce ke kaiwa ga Mugun Mayya na Yamma?" Ta tambayi Dorothy.

"Ba wata hanya," in ji mai gadin kofar. "Babu wanda yake fatan tafiya haka."

"To, ta yaya za mu same ta?" ya tambayi yarinyar.

"Hakan zai yi sauki," in ji mutumin, "domin idan ta san kana kasar Winkies za ta same ka, ta maishe ku duka bayinta."

"Wataƙila ba," in ji Scarecrow, "domin muna nufin mu halaka ta."

"Oh, wannan ya bambanta," in ji Guardian of the Gates. "Ba wanda ya taɓa halaka ta a da, don haka a zahiri na yi tsammani za ta mai da ku bayi kamar yadda ta yi na sauran. Yamma, inda rana ke faɗuwa, kuma ba za ku iya kasa samun ta ba."

Godiya suka yi masa tare da yi masa bankwana, suka juya suka nufi Yamma, suna ta yawo a kan filayen ciyayi masu laushi masu ɗimbin ɗimbin ɗimbin ciyayi nan da can ɗauke da ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴan gwangwani. Dorothy har yanzu tana sanye da kyakkyawar rigar alharini da ta saka a cikin fada, amma yanzu, ga mamakinta, ta ga ba kore ba ne, farare ne tsantsa. Ribon da ke wuyan Toto shima ya rasa koren launinsa kuma yayi fari kamar rigar Dorothy.

An bar birnin Emerald a baya mai nisa. Yayin da suke gaba sai kasa ta yi tsauri da tudu, domin babu gonaki ko gidaje a kasar nan ta Yamma, kuma kasa ta yi tsit.

Da la'asar rana ta yi zafi a fuskokinsu, gama ba bishiyar da za ta ba su inuwa; don haka kafin dare Dorothy da Toto da Lion suka gaji, suka kwanta a kan ciyayi kuma suka yi barci, tare da Woodman da Scarecrow suna tsaro.

Yanzu Mugun Mayya na Yamma yana da ido guda ɗaya, duk da haka yana da ƙarfi kamar na'urar hangen nesa, kuma yana iya gani ko'ina. Don haka, yayin da ta zauna a ƙofar gidanta, ta kasance ta duba ko'ina, ta ga Dorothy tana barci, tare da abokanta duk game da ita. Sun yi nisa mai nisa, amma Muguwar mayya ta yi fushi da ta same su a ƙasarta; Don haka ta busa wata busar azurfa wacce ta rataya a wuyanta.

Nan take sai ga wasu manyan kyarkeci suka zo mata daga ko'ina. Suna da dogayen kafafu da idanuwa masu kaifi da kaifi da hakora.

"Jeka wurin mutanen," in ji mayya, "ka yayyaga su gunduwa."

"Ba zaka maida su bayinka ba?" Ya tambayi shugaban ƴan ƴaƴan.

Ta ce, "A'a, daya na tin, ɗaya kuma na ciyawa, ɗayan yarinya, ɗayan kuma zaki.

"Madalla" in ji kurar, ya fice da gudu, sauran suka biyo baya.

An yi sa'a mai Scarecrow da Woodman sun yi nisa a farke sai suka ji kyarkeci suna zuwa.

"Wannan fada na ne," in ji Woodman, "don haka ku bi ni a baya, zan sadu da su yayin da suke zuwa."

Ya ƙwace gatarinsa da ya yi kaifi sosai, sai ga shugaban ƙulle-ƙulle ya zo kan Tin Woodman ya murɗe hannunsa ya sare kan kerkeci daga jikinsa, nan take ya mutu. Da ya iya daga gatarinsa sai wani kerkeci ya fito, shi ma ya fada karkashin kaifi gefen makamin Tin Woodman. Kerkeci arba'in ne, kuma an kashe kerkeci sau arba'in, ta yadda daga ƙarshe duk suka kwanta matattu a cikin tsibi a gaban ɗan itacen.

Sa'an nan ya ajiye gatari, ya zauna kusa da Scarecrow, ya ce, "Ai da kyau fada abokin."

Sun jira har sai Dorothy ta farka da safe. Yarinyar ta firgita sosai lokacin da ta ga babban tarin kerkeci, amma Tin Woodman ya gaya mata duka. Godiya tayi masa ya ajiyesu sannan ta zauna breakfast, bayan sun sake fara tafiya.

Yanzu da safe wannan Muguwar Boka ta zo kofar gidanta ta leko da ido daya da ke iya gani nesa. Ta ga kerkecinta duka suna kwance matattu, baƙo kuma suna tafiya cikin ƙasarta. Hakan ya kara bata mata rai fiye da baya, sai ta busa busar azurfa har sau biyu.

Nan take sai ga wani babban garke na hankaka na daji suka taho wajenta, sun isa su rufe sararin samaniya.

Sai Mugun mayya ya ce wa Sarki Crow, "Tashi nan da nan zuwa ga baƙi, ƙwace idanunsu, ka yayyage su."

Ƙwayoyin daji sun tashi a cikin babban garke ɗaya zuwa Dorothy da abokanta. Da yarinyar ta ga suna zuwa sai ta tsorata.

Amma sai mai tsoratarwa ya ce, "Wannan yakina ne, don haka ku kwanta a gefena, kada a cuce ku."

Haka suka kwanta gaba dayan su a kasa banda Tsohuwa, ya mike ya miqe. Kuma da hankaka suka gan shi sai suka firgita, domin kuwa tsuntsayen nan a kodayaushe suna cikin tsoro, kuma ba su kuskura su zo kusa ba. Amma Sarki Crow ya ce:

"Wani kayan ne kawai, zan ture idonsa waje."

Sarki Crow ya tashi a kan Scarecrow, wanda ya kama kansa ya murɗe wuyansa har ya mutu. Kuma sai wani hankaka ya tashi a kansa, shi ma Mai Tsoro ya murguda wuyansa. Hankakai arba'in ne, sau arba'in kuma mai ban tsoro ya murɗe wuya, har a ƙarshe duk sun mutu a gefensa. Sannan ya kira sahabbansa da su tashi, suka sake tafiya da tafiya.

Lokacin da Muguwar Boka ta sake duba waje, ta ga duk kukanta a kwance cikin tsibi, sai ta fusata sosai, ta busa busar ta na azurfa har sau uku.

Nan da nan sai aka ji ana hayaniya a cikin iska, ga kuma tarin bakar kudan zuma na tahowa wajenta.

"Ka je wurin baƙo, ka harbe su har lahira!" ya umurci mayya, kudan zuma suka juya suka tashi da sauri har suka isa inda Dorothy da abokanta ke tafiya. Amma Mai Katafa ya ga suna zuwa, kuma Scarecrow ya yanke shawarar abin da zai yi.

"Ka fitar da bambaro na ka watsar da ita a kan yarinyar da kare da Zaki," in ji mai katako, "kudan zuma ba za su iya harbe su ba." Wannan Woodman ya yi, kuma yayin da Dorothy ta kwanta kusa da Zakin kuma ta riƙe Toto a hannunta, bambaro ya rufe su gaba ɗaya.

Kudan zuma sun zo ba su tarar da kowa ba sai dan itacen da ya yi harbin, sai suka yi ta tashi suka buge shi suka tsinke duk wata robar da suke yi a kan gwangwanin, ba tare da sun yi wa Mai itacen rai ko kadan ba. Kuma kamar yadda ƙudan zuma ba za su iya rayuwa ba lokacin da aka karye tuntuɓar ƙudan zuma wadda ita ce ƙarshen ƙudan zuma, kuma suna kwance kewaye da Itace, kamar ƴan tudun garwashi.

Sa'an nan Dorothy da Lion suka tashi, kuma yarinyar ta taimaka wa Tin Woodman ya sake mayar da bambaro a cikin Scarecrow, har sai ya kasance mai kyau kamar yadda ya kasance. Haka suka sake tafiya.

Muguwar mayya ta fusata sosai sa’ad da ta ga baƙar ƙudan zuma a cikin ƴan ɗigon kudan zuma kamar garwashi, sai ta buga ƙafarta ta yaga gashinta tana cizon haƙoranta. Sai ta kira wasu bayinta guda goma sha biyu, wato Winkies, ta ba su mashi masu kaifi, ta ce su je wurin baƙon su hallaka su.

Winkies ba jajirtattu ba ne, amma dole ne su yi kamar yadda aka gaya musu. Haka suka yi tafiya har suka isa kusa da Dorothy. Sai Zaki ya yi tsawa mai girma ya tunkare su, sai ga matalauta Winkies suka firgita har suka gudu da sauri.
dialogConsentTitle Consent Yarda
dialogConsentMessage This application needs the AccessibilityService API to retrieve interactive windows on the screen, in order to find compatible ones.

The service then sends multiple "move window" accessibility actions to such windows, as needed, to perform the intended function.
Wannan aikace-aikacen yana buƙatar API ɗin AccessibilityService don dawo da tagogi masu ma'amala akan allo, don nemo waɗanda suka dace.

Sabis ɗin sannan yana aika ayyuka masu yawa na "taga motsi" zuwa irin waɗannan windows, kamar yadda ake buƙata, don aiwatar da aikin da aka nufa.
dialogConsentButton Accept Karba
dialogInfoTitle @string/menuInfo
dialogInfoMessage Shake the device a little. Notice how the background content softens these movements, making on-screen reading easier. (Stilly service must be enabled in the Accessibility settings for this to happen.)

This functionality can be easily implemented in any application. Please follow the instructions on GitHub.
Girgiza na'urar kadan kadan. Yi la'akari da yadda abun ciki na bango ya sassauta waɗannan motsin, yana sauƙaƙa karatun kan allo. (Har yanzu dole ne a kunna sabis a cikin saitunan Samun damar yin hakan don faruwa.)

Ana iya aiwatar da wannan aikin cikin sauƙi a kowace aikace-aikace. Da fatan za a bi umarnin kan GitHub.
dialogInfoButton Go to GitHub Je zuwa GitHub
dialogRestoreDefaultsTitle @string/menuRestoreDefaults
dialogRestoreDefaultsMessage Restore settings to default values? Mayar da saituna zuwa tsoffin ƙima?
serviceInactiveText Service is disabled, click here to enable. An kashe sabis, danna nan don kunna.
menuTheme Theme Jigo
menuIncreaseTextSize Increase text size Ƙara girman rubutu
menuDecreaseTextSize Decrease text size Rage girman rubutu
menuInfo Info Bayani
menuSettings Accessibility settings Saitunan samun dama
menuRestoreDefaults Restore defaults Mayar da abubuwan da ba a so
Key English Hausa
dialogButtonRateOnPlayStore Rate on Play Store Rate akan Play Store
dialogConsentButton Accept Karba
dialogConsentMessage This application needs the AccessibilityService API to retrieve interactive windows on the screen, in order to find compatible ones.

The service then sends multiple "move window" accessibility actions to such windows, as needed, to perform the intended function.
Wannan aikace-aikacen yana buƙatar API ɗin AccessibilityService don dawo da tagogi masu ma'amala akan allo, don nemo waɗanda suka dace.

Sabis ɗin sannan yana aika ayyuka masu yawa na "taga motsi" zuwa irin waɗannan windows, kamar yadda ake buƙata, don aiwatar da aikin da aka nufa.
dialogConsentTitle Consent Yarda
dialogInfoButton Go to GitHub Je zuwa GitHub
dialogInfoMessage Shake the device a little. Notice how the background content softens these movements, making on-screen reading easier. (Stilly service must be enabled in the Accessibility settings for this to happen.)

This functionality can be easily implemented in any application. Please follow the instructions on GitHub.
Girgiza na'urar kadan kadan. Yi la'akari da yadda abun ciki na bango ya sassauta waɗannan motsin, yana sauƙaƙa karatun kan allo. (Har yanzu dole ne a kunna sabis a cikin saitunan Samun damar yin hakan don faruwa.)

Ana iya aiwatar da wannan aikin cikin sauƙi a kowace aikace-aikace. Da fatan za a bi umarnin kan GitHub.
dialogInfoTitle @string/menuInfo
dialogRestoreDefaultsMessage Restore settings to default values? Mayar da saituna zuwa tsoffin ƙima?
dialogRestoreDefaultsTitle @string/menuRestoreDefaults
dialogReviewNudgeMessage Are you enjoying this app? Kuna jin daɗin wannan app?
dialogReviewNudgeMessage2 Thanks! Please write a nice review or rate us 5 stars on the Play Store. Godiya! Da fatan za a rubuta kyakkyawan bita ko ƙididdige mu tauraro 5 akan Play Store.
generalError Some error occurred. Please try again. An sami wasu kurakurai. Da fatan za a sake gwadawa.
licenseItemAlreadyOwned License item already owned An riga an mallaki abun lasisi
licenseSuccessDialogMessage The app was licensed successfully. Thank you for your support! An ba da izinin ƙa'idar cikin nasara. Na gode da goyon bayan ku!
licenseSuccessDialogTitle @string/app_name
loremIpsum (This text is for demonstration purposes)

The soldier with the green whiskers led them through the streets of the Emerald City until they reached the room where the Guardian of the Gates lived. This officer unlocked their spectacles to put them back in his great box, and then he politely opened the gate for our friends.

"Which road leads to the Wicked Witch of the West?" asked Dorothy.

"There is no road," answered the Guardian of the Gates. "No one ever wishes to go that way."

"How, then, are we to find her?" inquired the girl.

"That will be easy," replied the man, "for when she knows you are in the country of the Winkies she will find you, and make you all her slaves."

"Perhaps not," said the Scarecrow, "for we mean to destroy her."

"Oh, that is different," said the Guardian of the Gates. "No one has ever destroyed her before, so I naturally thought she would make slaves of you, as she has of the rest. But take care; for she is wicked and fierce, and may not allow you to destroy her. Keep to the West, where the sun sets, and you cannot fail to find her."

They thanked him and bade him good-bye, and turned toward the West, walking over fields of soft grass dotted here and there with daisies and buttercups. Dorothy still wore the pretty silk dress she had put on in the palace, but now, to her surprise, she found it was no longer green, but pure white. The ribbon around Toto's neck had also lost its green color and was as white as Dorothy's dress.

The Emerald City was soon left far behind. As they advanced the ground became rougher and hillier, for there were no farms nor houses in this country of the West, and the ground was untilled.

In the afternoon the sun shone hot in their faces, for there were no trees to offer them shade; so that before night Dorothy and Toto and the Lion were tired, and lay down upon the grass and fell asleep, with the Woodman and the Scarecrow keeping watch.

Now the Wicked Witch of the West had but one eye, yet that was as powerful as a telescope, and could see everywhere. So, as she sat in the door of her castle, she happened to look around and saw Dorothy lying asleep, with her friends all about her. They were a long distance off, but the Wicked Witch was angry to find them in her country; so she blew upon a silver whistle that hung around her neck.

At once there came running to her from all directions a pack of great wolves. They had long legs and fierce eyes and sharp teeth.

"Go to those people," said the Witch, "and tear them to pieces."

"Are you not going to make them your slaves?" asked the leader of the wolves.

"No," she answered, "one is of tin, and one of straw; one is a girl and another a Lion. None of them is fit to work, so you may tear them into small pieces."

"Very well," said the wolf, and he dashed away at full speed, followed by the others.

It was lucky the Scarecrow and the Woodman were wide awake and heard the wolves coming.

"This is my fight," said the Woodman, "so get behind me and I will meet them as they come."

He seized his axe, which he had made very sharp, and as the leader of the wolves came on the Tin Woodman swung his arm and chopped the wolf's head from its body, so that it immediately died. As soon as he could raise his axe another wolf came up, and he also fell under the sharp edge of the Tin Woodman's weapon. There were forty wolves, and forty times a wolf was killed, so that at last they all lay dead in a heap before the Woodman.

Then he put down his axe and sat beside the Scarecrow, who said, "It was a good fight, friend."

They waited until Dorothy awoke the next morning. The little girl was quite frightened when she saw the great pile of shaggy wolves, but the Tin Woodman told her all. She thanked him for saving them and sat down to breakfast, after which they started again upon their journey.

Now this same morning the Wicked Witch came to the door of her castle and looked out with her one eye that could see far off. She saw all her wolves lying dead, and the strangers still traveling through her country. This made her angrier than before, and she blew her silver whistle twice.

Straightway a great flock of wild crows came flying toward her, enough to darken the sky.

And the Wicked Witch said to the King Crow, "Fly at once to the strangers; peck out their eyes and tear them to pieces."

The wild crows flew in one great flock toward Dorothy and her companions. When the little girl saw them coming she was afraid.

But the Scarecrow said, "This is my battle, so lie down beside me and you will not be harmed."

So they all lay upon the ground except the Scarecrow, and he stood up and stretched out his arms. And when the crows saw him they were frightened, as these birds always are by scarecrows, and did not dare to come any nearer. But the King Crow said:

"It is only a stuffed man. I will peck his eyes out."

The King Crow flew at the Scarecrow, who caught it by the head and twisted its neck until it died. And then another crow flew at him, and the Scarecrow twisted its neck also. There were forty crows, and forty times the Scarecrow twisted a neck, until at last all were lying dead beside him. Then he called to his companions to rise, and again they went upon their journey.

When the Wicked Witch looked out again and saw all her crows lying in a heap, she got into a terrible rage, and blew three times upon her silver whistle.

Forthwith there was heard a great buzzing in the air, and a swarm of black bees came flying toward her.

"Go to the strangers and sting them to death!" commanded the Witch, and the bees turned and flew rapidly until they came to where Dorothy and her friends were walking. But the Woodman had seen them coming, and the Scarecrow had decided what to do.

"Take out my straw and scatter it over the little girl and the dog and the Lion," he said to the Woodman, "and the bees cannot sting them." This the Woodman did, and as Dorothy lay close beside the Lion and held Toto in her arms, the straw covered them entirely.

The bees came and found no one but the Woodman to sting, so they flew at him and broke off all their stings against the tin, without hurting the Woodman at all. And as bees cannot live when their stings are broken that was the end of the black bees, and they lay scattered thick about the Woodman, like little heaps of fine coal.

Then Dorothy and the Lion got up, and the girl helped the Tin Woodman put the straw back into the Scarecrow again, until he was as good as ever. So they started upon their journey once more.

The Wicked Witch was so angry when she saw her black bees in little heaps like fine coal that she stamped her foot and tore her hair and gnashed her teeth. And then she called a dozen of her slaves, who were the Winkies, and gave them sharp spears, telling them to go to the strangers and destroy them.

The Winkies were not a brave people, but they had to do as they were told. So they marched away until they came near to Dorothy. Then the Lion gave a great roar and sprang towards them, and the poor Winkies were so frightened that they ran back as fast as they could.
(Wannan rubutun don dalilai ne na nunawa)

Sojan da koren barasa ya jagorance su cikin titunan birnin Emerald har suka isa dakin da mai gadin kofar ke zaune. Wannan jami'in ya buɗe faifan kallon su don mayar da su cikin babban akwatinsa, sannan ya buɗe wa abokanmu cikin ladabi.

"Wace hanya ce ke kaiwa ga Mugun Mayya na Yamma?" Ta tambayi Dorothy.

"Ba wata hanya," in ji mai gadin kofar. "Babu wanda yake fatan tafiya haka."

"To, ta yaya za mu same ta?" ya tambayi yarinyar.

"Hakan zai yi sauki," in ji mutumin, "domin idan ta san kana kasar Winkies za ta same ka, ta maishe ku duka bayinta."

"Wataƙila ba," in ji Scarecrow, "domin muna nufin mu halaka ta."

"Oh, wannan ya bambanta," in ji Guardian of the Gates. "Ba wanda ya taɓa halaka ta a da, don haka a zahiri na yi tsammani za ta mai da ku bayi kamar yadda ta yi na sauran. Yamma, inda rana ke faɗuwa, kuma ba za ku iya kasa samun ta ba."

Godiya suka yi masa tare da yi masa bankwana, suka juya suka nufi Yamma, suna ta yawo a kan filayen ciyayi masu laushi masu ɗimbin ɗimbin ɗimbin ciyayi nan da can ɗauke da ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴan gwangwani. Dorothy har yanzu tana sanye da kyakkyawar rigar alharini da ta saka a cikin fada, amma yanzu, ga mamakinta, ta ga ba kore ba ne, farare ne tsantsa. Ribon da ke wuyan Toto shima ya rasa koren launinsa kuma yayi fari kamar rigar Dorothy.

An bar birnin Emerald a baya mai nisa. Yayin da suke gaba sai kasa ta yi tsauri da tudu, domin babu gonaki ko gidaje a kasar nan ta Yamma, kuma kasa ta yi tsit.

Da la'asar rana ta yi zafi a fuskokinsu, gama ba bishiyar da za ta ba su inuwa; don haka kafin dare Dorothy da Toto da Lion suka gaji, suka kwanta a kan ciyayi kuma suka yi barci, tare da Woodman da Scarecrow suna tsaro.

Yanzu Mugun Mayya na Yamma yana da ido guda ɗaya, duk da haka yana da ƙarfi kamar na'urar hangen nesa, kuma yana iya gani ko'ina. Don haka, yayin da ta zauna a ƙofar gidanta, ta kasance ta duba ko'ina, ta ga Dorothy tana barci, tare da abokanta duk game da ita. Sun yi nisa mai nisa, amma Muguwar mayya ta yi fushi da ta same su a ƙasarta; Don haka ta busa wata busar azurfa wacce ta rataya a wuyanta.

Nan take sai ga wasu manyan kyarkeci suka zo mata daga ko'ina. Suna da dogayen kafafu da idanuwa masu kaifi da kaifi da hakora.

"Jeka wurin mutanen," in ji mayya, "ka yayyaga su gunduwa."

"Ba zaka maida su bayinka ba?" Ya tambayi shugaban ƴan ƴaƴan.

Ta ce, "A'a, daya na tin, ɗaya kuma na ciyawa, ɗayan yarinya, ɗayan kuma zaki.

"Madalla" in ji kurar, ya fice da gudu, sauran suka biyo baya.

An yi sa'a mai Scarecrow da Woodman sun yi nisa a farke sai suka ji kyarkeci suna zuwa.

"Wannan fada na ne," in ji Woodman, "don haka ku bi ni a baya, zan sadu da su yayin da suke zuwa."

Ya ƙwace gatarinsa da ya yi kaifi sosai, sai ga shugaban ƙulle-ƙulle ya zo kan Tin Woodman ya murɗe hannunsa ya sare kan kerkeci daga jikinsa, nan take ya mutu. Da ya iya daga gatarinsa sai wani kerkeci ya fito, shi ma ya fada karkashin kaifi gefen makamin Tin Woodman. Kerkeci arba'in ne, kuma an kashe kerkeci sau arba'in, ta yadda daga ƙarshe duk suka kwanta matattu a cikin tsibi a gaban ɗan itacen.

Sa'an nan ya ajiye gatari, ya zauna kusa da Scarecrow, ya ce, "Ai da kyau fada abokin."

Sun jira har sai Dorothy ta farka da safe. Yarinyar ta firgita sosai lokacin da ta ga babban tarin kerkeci, amma Tin Woodman ya gaya mata duka. Godiya tayi masa ya ajiyesu sannan ta zauna breakfast, bayan sun sake fara tafiya.

Yanzu da safe wannan Muguwar Boka ta zo kofar gidanta ta leko da ido daya da ke iya gani nesa. Ta ga kerkecinta duka suna kwance matattu, baƙo kuma suna tafiya cikin ƙasarta. Hakan ya kara bata mata rai fiye da baya, sai ta busa busar azurfa har sau biyu.

Nan take sai ga wani babban garke na hankaka na daji suka taho wajenta, sun isa su rufe sararin samaniya.

Sai Mugun mayya ya ce wa Sarki Crow, "Tashi nan da nan zuwa ga baƙi, ƙwace idanunsu, ka yayyage su."

Ƙwayoyin daji sun tashi a cikin babban garke ɗaya zuwa Dorothy da abokanta. Da yarinyar ta ga suna zuwa sai ta tsorata.

Amma sai mai tsoratarwa ya ce, "Wannan yakina ne, don haka ku kwanta a gefena, kada a cuce ku."

Haka suka kwanta gaba dayan su a kasa banda Tsohuwa, ya mike ya miqe. Kuma da hankaka suka gan shi sai suka firgita, domin kuwa tsuntsayen nan a kodayaushe suna cikin tsoro, kuma ba su kuskura su zo kusa ba. Amma Sarki Crow ya ce:

"Wani kayan ne kawai, zan ture idonsa waje."

Sarki Crow ya tashi a kan Scarecrow, wanda ya kama kansa ya murɗe wuyansa har ya mutu. Kuma sai wani hankaka ya tashi a kansa, shi ma Mai Tsoro ya murguda wuyansa. Hankakai arba'in ne, sau arba'in kuma mai ban tsoro ya murɗe wuya, har a ƙarshe duk sun mutu a gefensa. Sannan ya kira sahabbansa da su tashi, suka sake tafiya da tafiya.

Lokacin da Muguwar Boka ta sake duba waje, ta ga duk kukanta a kwance cikin tsibi, sai ta fusata sosai, ta busa busar ta na azurfa har sau uku.

Nan da nan sai aka ji ana hayaniya a cikin iska, ga kuma tarin bakar kudan zuma na tahowa wajenta.

"Ka je wurin baƙo, ka harbe su har lahira!" ya umurci mayya, kudan zuma suka juya suka tashi da sauri har suka isa inda Dorothy da abokanta ke tafiya. Amma Mai Katafa ya ga suna zuwa, kuma Scarecrow ya yanke shawarar abin da zai yi.

"Ka fitar da bambaro na ka watsar da ita a kan yarinyar da kare da Zaki," in ji mai katako, "kudan zuma ba za su iya harbe su ba." Wannan Woodman ya yi, kuma yayin da Dorothy ta kwanta kusa da Zakin kuma ta riƙe Toto a hannunta, bambaro ya rufe su gaba ɗaya.

Kudan zuma sun zo ba su tarar da kowa ba sai dan itacen da ya yi harbin, sai suka yi ta tashi suka buge shi suka tsinke duk wata robar da suke yi a kan gwangwanin, ba tare da sun yi wa Mai itacen rai ko kadan ba. Kuma kamar yadda ƙudan zuma ba za su iya rayuwa ba lokacin da aka karye tuntuɓar ƙudan zuma wadda ita ce ƙarshen ƙudan zuma, kuma suna kwance kewaye da Itace, kamar ƴan tudun garwashi.

Sa'an nan Dorothy da Lion suka tashi, kuma yarinyar ta taimaka wa Tin Woodman ya sake mayar da bambaro a cikin Scarecrow, har sai ya kasance mai kyau kamar yadda ya kasance. Haka suka sake tafiya.

Muguwar mayya ta fusata sosai sa’ad da ta ga baƙar ƙudan zuma a cikin ƴan ɗigon kudan zuma kamar garwashi, sai ta buga ƙafarta ta yaga gashinta tana cizon haƙoranta. Sai ta kira wasu bayinta guda goma sha biyu, wato Winkies, ta ba su mashi masu kaifi, ta ce su je wurin baƙon su hallaka su.

Winkies ba jajirtattu ba ne, amma dole ne su yi kamar yadda aka gaya musu. Haka suka yi tafiya har suka isa kusa da Dorothy. Sai Zaki ya yi tsawa mai girma ya tunkare su, sai ga matalauta Winkies suka firgita har suka gudu da sauri.
measuredSensorRate Measured sensor rate Ƙimar firikwensin da aka auna
measuredSensorRateInfo Current sensor rate as measured by the app. This may differ from the desired sensor rate as the system ultimately decides which rate to provide. Adadin firikwensin na yanzu kamar yadda aka auna ta app. Wannan na iya bambanta da ƙimar firikwensin da ake so kamar yadda tsarin a ƙarshe ya yanke shawarar wane ƙimar da za a bayar.
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Automatic translation

Stilly / StringsHausa

6 months ago
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Consecutive duplicated words

Text contains the same word twice in a row: ƴaƴan, ɗimbin


Has been translated

Previous translation was "(Wannan rubutun don dalilai ne na nunawa) Sojan da koren barasa ya jagorance su cikin titunan birnin Emerald har suka isa dakin da mai gadin kofar ke zaune. Wannan jami'in ya buɗe faifan kallon su don mayar da su cikin babban akwatinsa, sannan ya buɗe wa abokanmu cikin ladabi. "Wace hanya ce ke kaiwa ga Mugun Mayya na Yamma?" Ta tambayi Dorothy. "Ba wata hanya," in ji mai gadin kofar. "Babu wanda yake fatan tafiya haka." "To, ta yaya za mu same ta?" ya tambayi yarinyar. "Hakan zai yi sauki," in ji mutumin, "domin idan ta san kana kasar Winkies za ta same ka, ta maishe ku duka bayinta." "Wataƙila ba," in ji Scarecrow, "domin muna nufin mu halaka ta." "Oh, wannan ya bambanta," in ji Guardian of the Gates. "Ba wanda ya taɓa halaka ta a da, don haka a zahiri na yi tsammani za ta mai da ku bayi kamar yadda ta yi na sauran. Yamma, inda rana ke faɗuwa, kuma ba za ku iya kasa samun ta ba." Godiya suka yi masa tare da yi masa bankwana, suka juya suka nufi Yamma, suna ta yawo a kan filayen ciyayi masu laushi masu ɗimbin ɗimbin ɗimbin ciyayi nan da can ɗauke da ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴaƴan ƴan gwangwani. Dorothy har yanzu tana sanye da kyakkyawar rigar alharini da ta saka a cikin fada, amma yanzu, ga mamakinta, ta ga ba kore ba ne, farare ne tsantsa. Ribon da ke wuyan Toto shima ya rasa koren launinsa kuma yayi fari kamar rigar Dorothy. An bar birnin Emerald a baya mai nisa. Yayin da suke gaba sai kasa ta yi tsauri da tudu, domin babu gonaki ko gidaje a kasar nan ta Yamma, kuma kasa ta yi tsit. Da la'asar rana ta yi zafi a fuskokinsu, gama ba bishiyar da za ta ba su inuwa; don haka kafin dare Dorothy da Toto da Lion suka gaji, suka kwanta a kan ciyayi kuma suka yi barci, tare da Woodman da Scarecrow suna tsaro. Yanzu Mugun Mayya na Yamma yana da ido guda ɗaya, duk da haka yana da ƙarfi kamar na'urar hangen nesa, kuma yana iya gani ko'ina. Don haka, yayin da ta zauna a ƙofar gidanta, ta kasance ta duba ko'ina, ta ga Dorothy tana barci, tare da abokanta duk game da ita. Sun yi nisa mai nisa, amma Muguwar mayya ta yi fushi da ta same su a ƙasarta; Don haka ta busa wata busar azurfa wacce ta rataya a wuyanta. Nan take sai ga wasu manyan kyarkeci suka zo mata daga ko'ina. Suna da dogayen kafafu da idanuwa masu kaifi da kaifi da hakora. "Jeka wurin mutanen," in ji mayya, "ka yayyaga su gunduwa." "Ba zaka maida su bayinka ba?" Ya tambayi shugaban ƴan ƴaƴan. Ta ce, "A'a, daya na tin, ɗaya kuma na ciyawa, ɗayan yarinya, ɗayan kuma zaki. "Madalla" in ji kurar, ya fice da gudu, sauran suka biyo baya. An yi sa'a mai Scarecrow da Woodman sun yi nisa a farke sai suka ji kyarkeci suna zuwa. "Wannan fada na ne," in ji Woodman, "don haka ku bi ni a baya, zan sadu da su yayin da suke zuwa." Ya ƙwace gatarinsa da ya yi kaifi sosai, sai ga shugaban ƙulle-ƙulle ya zo kan Tin Woodman ya murɗe hannunsa ya sare kan kerkeci daga jikinsa, nan take ya mutu. Da ya iya daga gatarinsa sai wani kerkeci ya fito, shi ma ya fada karkashin kaifi gefen makamin Tin Woodman. Kerkeci arba'in ne, kuma an kashe kerkeci sau arba'in, ta yadda daga ƙarshe duk suka kwanta matattu a cikin tsibi a gaban ɗan itacen. Sa'an nan ya ajiye gatari, ya zauna kusa da Scarecrow, ya ce, "Ai da kyau fada abokin." Sun jira har sai Dorothy ta farka da safe. Yarinyar ta firgita sosai lokacin da ta ga babban tarin kerkeci, amma Tin Woodman ya gaya mata duka. Godiya tayi masa ya ajiyesu sannan ta zauna breakfast, bayan sun sake fara tafiya. Yanzu da safe wannan Muguwar Boka ta zo kofar gidanta ta leko da ido daya da ke iya gani nesa. Ta ga kerkecinta duka suna kwance matattu, baƙo kuma suna tafiya cikin ƙasarta. Hakan ya kara bata mata rai fiye da baya, sai ta busa busar azurfa har sau biyu. Nan take sai ga wani babban garke na hankaka na daji suka taho wajenta, sun isa su rufe sararin samaniya. Sai Mugun mayya ya ce wa Sarki Crow, "Tashi nan da nan zuwa ga baƙi, ƙwace idanunsu, ka yayyage su." Ƙwayoyin daji sun tashi a cikin babban garke ɗaya zuwa Dorothy da abokanta. Da yarinyar ta ga suna zuwa sai ta tsorata. Amma sai mai tsoratarwa ya ce, "Wannan yakina ne, don haka ku kwanta a gefena, kada a cuce ku." Haka suka kwanta gaba dayan su a kasa banda Tsohuwa, ya mike ya miqe. Kuma da hankaka suka gan shi sai suka firgita, domin kuwa tsuntsayen nan a kodayaushe suna cikin tsoro, kuma ba su kuskura su zo kusa ba. Amma Sarki Crow ya ce: "Wani kayan ne kawai, zan ture idonsa waje." Sarki Crow ya tashi a kan Scarecrow, wanda ya kama kansa ya murɗe wuyansa har ya mutu. Kuma sai wani hankaka ya tashi a kansa, shi ma Mai Tsoro ya murguda wuyansa. Hankakai arba'in ne, sau arba'in kuma mai ban tsoro ya murɗe wuya, har a ƙarshe duk sun mutu a gefensa. Sannan ya kira sahabbansa da su tashi, suka sake tafiya da tafiya. Lokacin da Muguwar Boka ta sake duba waje, ta ga duk kukanta a kwance cikin tsibi, sai ta fusata sosai, ta busa busar ta na azurfa har sau uku. Nan da nan sai aka ji ana hayaniya a cikin iska, ga kuma tarin bakar kudan zuma na tahowa wajenta. "Ka je wurin baƙo, ka harbe su har lahira!" ya umurci mayya, kudan zuma suka juya suka tashi da sauri har suka isa inda Dorothy da abokanta ke tafiya. Amma Mai Katafa ya ga suna zuwa, kuma Scarecrow ya yanke shawarar abin da zai yi. "Ka fitar da bambaro na ka watsar da ita a kan yarinyar da kare da Zaki," in ji mai katako, "kudan zuma ba za su iya harbe su ba." Wannan Woodman ya yi, kuma yayin da Dorothy ta kwanta kusa da Zakin kuma ta riƙe Toto a hannunta, bambaro ya rufe su gaba ɗaya. Kudan zuma sun zo ba su tarar da kowa ba sai dan itacen da ya yi harbin, sai suka yi ta tashi suka buge shi suka tsinke duk wata robar da suke yi a kan gwangwanin, ba tare da sun yi wa Mai itacen rai ko kadan ba. Kuma kamar yadda ƙudan zuma ba za su iya rayuwa ba lokacin da aka karye tuntuɓar ƙudan zuma wadda ita ce ƙarshen ƙudan zuma, kuma suna kwance kewaye da Itace, kamar ƴan tudun garwashi. Sa'an nan Dorothy da Lion suka tashi, kuma yarinyar ta taimaka wa Tin Woodman ya sake mayar da bambaro a cikin Scarecrow, har sai ya kasance mai kyau kamar yadda ya kasance. Haka suka sake tafiya. Muguwar mayya ta fusata sosai sa’ad da ta ga baƙar ƙudan zuma a cikin ƴan ɗigon kudan zuma kamar garwashi, sai ta buga ƙafarta ta yaga gashinta tana cizon haƙoranta. Sai ta kira wasu bayinta guda goma sha biyu, wato Winkies, ta ba su mashi masu kaifi, ta ce su je wurin baƙon su hallaka su. Winkies ba jajirtattu ba ne, amma dole ne su yi kamar yadda aka gaya musu. Haka suka yi tafiya har suka isa kusa da Dorothy. Sai Zaki ya yi tsawa mai girma ya tunkare su, sai ga matalauta Winkies suka firgita har suka gudu da sauri.".

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English Hausa
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String age
6 months ago
Source string age
6 months ago
Translation file
translate/strings-ha.xml, string 9