
Key English Javanese
appDesc ⛵ This service allows compatible applications to easily counteract small device movements within their user interface.

🏝️ This can improve screen readability and possibly alleviate motion sickness while on the go, e.g. while reading in a moving vehicle.

⚡ The application has been crafted very meticulously, in order to minimize resource usage and maximize performance.

Hope you enjoy it 😊
⛵ Layanan iki ngidini aplikasi sing kompatibel bisa gampang nglawan obahe piranti cilik ing antarmuka pangguna.

🏝️ Iki bisa nambah keterbacaan layar lan bisa uga nyuda mabuk nalika lelungan, contone. nalika maca ing kendaraan obah.

⚡ Aplikasi wis digawe kanthi tliti, supaya bisa nyilikake panggunaan sumber daya lan ngoptimalake kinerja.

Semoga terhibur 😊
aboutScreenTranslationsTitle Translations Terjemahan
aboutScreenTranslationsText Help translate this app and get a free license! More info: Tulung nerjemahake aplikasi iki lan entuk lisensi gratis! Info liyane:
aboutScreenLicenseTitle App license Lisensi aplikasi
aboutScreenLicenseText This application is free and works without limitations. However, the parameters will return to their default values after 1 hour without a license. Aplikasi iki gratis lan bisa digunakake tanpa watesan. Nanging, paramèter bakal bali menyang nilai standar sawise 1 jam tanpa lisensi.
aboutScreenGithubLink Stilly on GitHub Stilly ing GitHub
openSourceLicensesTitle Open source licenses Lisensi sumber terbuka
loremIpsum (This text is for demonstration purposes)

The soldier with the green whiskers led them through the streets of the Emerald City until they reached the room where the Guardian of the Gates lived. This officer unlocked their spectacles to put them back in his great box, and then he politely opened the gate for our friends.

"Which road leads to the Wicked Witch of the West?" asked Dorothy.

"There is no road," answered the Guardian of the Gates. "No one ever wishes to go that way."

"How, then, are we to find her?" inquired the girl.

"That will be easy," replied the man, "for when she knows you are in the country of the Winkies she will find you, and make you all her slaves."

"Perhaps not," said the Scarecrow, "for we mean to destroy her."

"Oh, that is different," said the Guardian of the Gates. "No one has ever destroyed her before, so I naturally thought she would make slaves of you, as she has of the rest. But take care; for she is wicked and fierce, and may not allow you to destroy her. Keep to the West, where the sun sets, and you cannot fail to find her."

They thanked him and bade him good-bye, and turned toward the West, walking over fields of soft grass dotted here and there with daisies and buttercups. Dorothy still wore the pretty silk dress she had put on in the palace, but now, to her surprise, she found it was no longer green, but pure white. The ribbon around Toto's neck had also lost its green color and was as white as Dorothy's dress.

The Emerald City was soon left far behind. As they advanced the ground became rougher and hillier, for there were no farms nor houses in this country of the West, and the ground was untilled.

In the afternoon the sun shone hot in their faces, for there were no trees to offer them shade; so that before night Dorothy and Toto and the Lion were tired, and lay down upon the grass and fell asleep, with the Woodman and the Scarecrow keeping watch.

Now the Wicked Witch of the West had but one eye, yet that was as powerful as a telescope, and could see everywhere. So, as she sat in the door of her castle, she happened to look around and saw Dorothy lying asleep, with her friends all about her. They were a long distance off, but the Wicked Witch was angry to find them in her country; so she blew upon a silver whistle that hung around her neck.

At once there came running to her from all directions a pack of great wolves. They had long legs and fierce eyes and sharp teeth.

"Go to those people," said the Witch, "and tear them to pieces."

"Are you not going to make them your slaves?" asked the leader of the wolves.

"No," she answered, "one is of tin, and one of straw; one is a girl and another a Lion. None of them is fit to work, so you may tear them into small pieces."

"Very well," said the wolf, and he dashed away at full speed, followed by the others.

It was lucky the Scarecrow and the Woodman were wide awake and heard the wolves coming.

"This is my fight," said the Woodman, "so get behind me and I will meet them as they come."

He seized his axe, which he had made very sharp, and as the leader of the wolves came on the Tin Woodman swung his arm and chopped the wolf's head from its body, so that it immediately died. As soon as he could raise his axe another wolf came up, and he also fell under the sharp edge of the Tin Woodman's weapon. There were forty wolves, and forty times a wolf was killed, so that at last they all lay dead in a heap before the Woodman.

Then he put down his axe and sat beside the Scarecrow, who said, "It was a good fight, friend."

They waited until Dorothy awoke the next morning. The little girl was quite frightened when she saw the great pile of shaggy wolves, but the Tin Woodman told her all. She thanked him for saving them and sat down to breakfast, after which they started again upon their journey.

Now this same morning the Wicked Witch came to the door of her castle and looked out with her one eye that could see far off. She saw all her wolves lying dead, and the strangers still traveling through her country. This made her angrier than before, and she blew her silver whistle twice.

Straightway a great flock of wild crows came flying toward her, enough to darken the sky.

And the Wicked Witch said to the King Crow, "Fly at once to the strangers; peck out their eyes and tear them to pieces."

The wild crows flew in one great flock toward Dorothy and her companions. When the little girl saw them coming she was afraid.

But the Scarecrow said, "This is my battle, so lie down beside me and you will not be harmed."

So they all lay upon the ground except the Scarecrow, and he stood up and stretched out his arms. And when the crows saw him they were frightened, as these birds always are by scarecrows, and did not dare to come any nearer. But the King Crow said:

"It is only a stuffed man. I will peck his eyes out."

The King Crow flew at the Scarecrow, who caught it by the head and twisted its neck until it died. And then another crow flew at him, and the Scarecrow twisted its neck also. There were forty crows, and forty times the Scarecrow twisted a neck, until at last all were lying dead beside him. Then he called to his companions to rise, and again they went upon their journey.

When the Wicked Witch looked out again and saw all her crows lying in a heap, she got into a terrible rage, and blew three times upon her silver whistle.

Forthwith there was heard a great buzzing in the air, and a swarm of black bees came flying toward her.

"Go to the strangers and sting them to death!" commanded the Witch, and the bees turned and flew rapidly until they came to where Dorothy and her friends were walking. But the Woodman had seen them coming, and the Scarecrow had decided what to do.

"Take out my straw and scatter it over the little girl and the dog and the Lion," he said to the Woodman, "and the bees cannot sting them." This the Woodman did, and as Dorothy lay close beside the Lion and held Toto in her arms, the straw covered them entirely.

The bees came and found no one but the Woodman to sting, so they flew at him and broke off all their stings against the tin, without hurting the Woodman at all. And as bees cannot live when their stings are broken that was the end of the black bees, and they lay scattered thick about the Woodman, like little heaps of fine coal.

Then Dorothy and the Lion got up, and the girl helped the Tin Woodman put the straw back into the Scarecrow again, until he was as good as ever. So they started upon their journey once more.

The Wicked Witch was so angry when she saw her black bees in little heaps like fine coal that she stamped her foot and tore her hair and gnashed her teeth. And then she called a dozen of her slaves, who were the Winkies, and gave them sharp spears, telling them to go to the strangers and destroy them.

The Winkies were not a brave people, but they had to do as they were told. So they marched away until they came near to Dorothy. Then the Lion gave a great roar and sprang towards them, and the poor Winkies were so frightened that they ran back as fast as they could.
(Tèks iki kanggo tujuan demonstrasi)

Prajurit karo kumis ijo nuntun wong-wong mau liwat lurung-lurung ing Kutha Jamrud nganti tekan kamar panggonane Guardian of the Gates. Petugas iki mbukak kunci kacamata kanggo dilebokake maneh ing kothak gedhene, banjur kanthi sopan mbukak gerbang kanggo kanca-kanca.

"Lan endi sing ngarah menyang Penyihir Jahat saka Kulon?" takon Dorothy.

"Ora ana dalan," wangsulane Wali Gerbang. "Ora ana wong sing kepengin lunga kanthi cara kasebut."

"Lah, kepiye carane golek dheweke?" pitakone bocah wadon mau.

"Iku bakal gampang," wangsulane wong, "amarga dheweke ngerti sampeyan ana ing negara Winkies, dheweke bakal nemokake sampeyan, lan nggawe sampeyan kabeh dadi batur."

"Mbok ora," ujare Scarecrow, "amarga kita arep numpes dheweke."

"Oh, sing beda," ujare Guardian of the Gates. "Durung ana wong siji-sijia sing tau ngrusak dheweke, mula aku mesthi mikir yen dheweke bakal nggawe baturmu, kaya liyane. Kulon, ing ngendi srengenge surup, lan sampeyan ora bakal bisa nemokake dheweke."

Wong-wong mau padha matur nuwun lan nyuwun pamit, banjur noleh menyang sisih kulon, mlaku-mlaku ing sawah-sawah suket alus sing ana ing kene karo kembang aster lan buttercups. Dorothy isih nganggo busana sutra sing apik banget sing disedhiyakake ing kraton, nanging saiki kaget dheweke nemokake yen wis ora ijo maneh, nanging putih murni. Pita ing gulu Toto uga wis ilang warnane ijo lan putih kaya klambine Dorothy.

Kutha Jamrud banjur ditinggal adoh. Nalika padha maju, lemahe saya kasar lan gunung, amarga ing negara Kulon iki ora ana tegalan utawa omah, lan lemahe nganti.

Ing wayah sore srengenge sumunar ing pasuryane, amarga ora ana wit-witan sing bisa menehi iyub-iyub; Dadi sadurunge wengi Dorothy lan Toto lan Singa wis kesel, banjur turu ing suket lan turu, karo Woodman lan Scarecrow tetep nonton.

Saiki Penyihir Jahat saka Kulon mung duwe mripat siji, nanging sing kuat kaya teleskop, lan bisa ndeleng ing endi wae. Dadi, nalika dheweke lungguh ing lawang kastil, dheweke kebeneran ndeleng mubeng lan weruh Dorothy lagi turu, karo kanca-kancane kabeh. Padha adoh adoh, nanging Penyihir duraka nesu amarga nemokake dheweke ing negarane; mula dheweke ngunekake singsot perak sing ana ing gulu.

Sanalika iku ana kumpulan asu asu gedhe teka saka kabeh arah. Dheweke duwe sikil dawa lan mripate galak lan untune landhep.

"Lungaa wong-wong mau," ujare Penyihir, "lan nyuwek-nyuwek."

"Apa sampeyan ora bakal nggawe dheweke dadi baturmu?" pitakone pimpinan asu ajag.

"Ora," wangsulane dheweke, "sing siji saka timah, siji saka jerami, siji wadon lan siji Singa. Ora ana siji-sijine sing bisa digunakake, supaya sampeyan bisa nyuwek-nyuwek dadi potongan-potongan cilik."

"Oke banget," ujare asu ajag, lan dheweke mlayu kanthi cepet, disusul wong liya.

Untunge Scarecrow lan Woodman padha tangi lan krungu asu ajag teka.

"Iki perangku," ujare Woodman, "dadi ndhisiki aku lan aku bakal ketemu nalika dheweke teka."

Dheweke ngrebut kapak, sing digawe landhep banget, lan nalika pimpinan serigala teka ing Timah Woodman, dheweke ngayunake lengen lan ngethok sirahe asu ajag saka awak, saengga dheweke langsung mati. Sanalika dheweke bisa ngunggahake kapak, asu ajag liyane teka, lan dheweke uga tiba ing sangisore landhep gegaman Tin Woodman. Ana patang puluh asu ajag, lan ping patang puluh asu ajag dipatèni, dadi pungkasane kabeh padha mati ing tumpukan sadurunge Woodman.

Banjur nyelehake kapak lan lungguh ing jejere Scarecrow, sing ngomong: "Iku perang apik, kanca."

Dheweke ngenteni nganti Dorothy tangi esuk. Bocah wadon cilik iki wedi banget nalika ndeleng tumpukan gedhe asu asu, nanging Tukang Kayu Timah ngandhani kabeh. Dheweke matur nuwun kanggo nylametake dheweke lan lungguh sarapan, sawise iku dheweke miwiti maneh nalika lelungan.

Saiki esuk sing padha, Penyihir jahat teka ing lawang kastil lan katon metu kanthi mripat siji sing bisa ndeleng adoh. Dheweke weruh kabeh asu ajag padha mati, lan wong-wong manca isih lelungan liwat negarane. Iki nggawe dheweke nesu tinimbang sadurunge, lan dheweke ngunekake singsot perak kaping pindho.

Sakwisé kuwi ana manuk gagak galak mabur marani dhèwèké, cukup kanggo peteng ndhedhet langit.

Si Dukun duraka ngandika marang Sang Gagak: "Enggal-enggal mabur marani wong-wong manca, copot mripate lan cilaka."

Gagak liar mabur ing siji kumpul gedhe menyang Dorothy lan kanca-kancane. Nalika bocah wadon cilik weruh dheweke teka, dheweke wedi.

Nanging wong Scarecrow kandha, "Iki perangku, mula turua ing sandhingku lan kowe ora bakal cilaka."

Dadine kabeh padha gumlethak ana ing lemah kajaba Scarecrow, banjur jumeneng lan ngegungake tangane. Bareng manuk gagak padha weruh, banjur padha wedi, awit manuk-manuk mau tansah ana ing wong-wong, lan ora wani nyedhaki. Nanging Sang Prabu Gagak ngandika:

"Iku mung wong diiseni. Aku bakal peck mripate metu."

Raja Gagak mabur menyang Scarecrow, sing nyekel sirahe lan mbengkongake gulu nganti mati. Banjur manuk gagak liyane mabur ing dheweke, lan Scarecrow uga nggantheng gulu. Ana patang puluh gagak, lan ping patang puluh Scarecrow mbengkongake gulu, nganti pungkasane kabeh padha mati ing sandhinge. Panjenengané banjur nimbali kanca-kancané supaya padha tangi, banjur padha mangkat manèh.

Nalika Witch duraka katon metu maneh lan weruh kabeh gagak lying ing tumpukan, dheweke nesu banget, lan nyebul ping telu marang singsine perak.

Sanalika keprungu swara gedhe ing udhara, lan grombolan tawon ireng mabur nyedhaki dheweke.

"Lungaa marang wong liyo lan sting nganti mati!" dhawuhe Witch, lan tawon nguripake lan mabur kanthi cepet nganti tekan ing ngendi Dorothy lan kanca-kancane mlaku. Nanging Woodman wis weruh wong teka, lan Scarecrow wis mutusaké apa apa.

"Njupuk jeramiku lan nyebarake menyang bocah wadon cilik lan asu lan singa," ujare marang Woodman, "lan tawon ora bisa nyengat dheweke." Iki ditindakake dening Woodman, lan nalika Dorothy lungguh ing jejere Singa lan nyekel Toto ing tangane, jerami kasebut nutupi kabeh.

Tawon padha teka lan ora ketemu wong kang nyengat, kajaba Woodman, banjur padha mabur ing wong lan nyuwil mati kabeh stings marang timah, tanpa natoni Woodman babar pisan. Lan minangka tawon ora bisa urip nalika stings sing bejat sing mburi tawon ireng, lan padha lay kasebar nglukis babagan Woodman, kaya tumpukan cilik saka batu bara nggoleki.

Banjur Dorothy lan Singa tangi, lan cah wadon mbantu Timah Woodman sijine kang dipercoyo bali menyang Scarecrow maneh, nganti dheweke dadi apik minangka tau. Mulané wong-wong mau banjur miwiti lelungan manèh.

Penyihir Duraka nesu banget nalika ndeleng tawon ireng ing tumpukan cilik kaya batu bara sing apik, mula dheweke ngethok sikile lan nyuwek rambute lan keroting untune. Banjur dheweke nimbali rolas bature, yaiku Winkies, lan menehi tumbak sing landhep, didhawuhi marani wong liyo lan nyirnakake.

Winkies dudu wong sing wani, nanging kudu nindakake apa sing didhawuhake. Mulané padha budhal nganti cedhak karo Dorothy. Singa banjur nggero banget lan mlumpat menyang wong-wong mau, lan Winkies sing mlarat wedi banget, mula dheweke mlayu maneh kanthi cepet.
dialogConsentTitle Consent idin
dialogConsentMessage This application needs the AccessibilityService API to retrieve interactive windows on the screen, in order to find compatible ones.

The service then sends multiple "move window" accessibility actions to such windows, as needed, to perform the intended function.
Aplikasi iki mbutuhake API AccessibilityService kanggo njupuk jendhela interaktif ing layar, supaya bisa nemokake sing kompatibel.

Layanan kasebut banjur ngirim sawetara tumindak aksesibilitas "pindhah jendhela" menyang jendhela kasebut, yen perlu, kanggo nindakake fungsi sing dimaksud.
dialogConsentButton Accept Nampa
dialogInfoTitle @string/menuInfo
dialogInfoMessage Shake the device a little. Notice how the background content softens these movements, making on-screen reading easier. (Stilly service must be enabled in the Accessibility settings for this to happen.)

This functionality can be easily implemented in any application. Please follow the instructions on GitHub.
Goyangake piranti kasebut sethithik. Elinga carane isi latar mburi soften gerakan iki, nggawe maca ing layar luwih gampang. (Layanan tetep kudu diaktifake ing setelan Aksesibilitas supaya bisa kedadeyan.)

Fungsi iki bisa gampang dileksanakake ing aplikasi apa wae. Mangga tindakake pandhuan ing GitHub.
dialogInfoButton Go to GitHub Pindhah menyang GitHub
dialogRestoreDefaultsTitle @string/menuRestoreDefaults
dialogRestoreDefaultsMessage Restore settings to default values? Mulihake setelan menyang nilai gawan?
serviceInactiveText Service is disabled, click here to enable. Layanan dipateni, klik kene kanggo ngaktifake.
menuTheme Theme Tema
menuIncreaseTextSize Increase text size Tambah ukuran teks
menuDecreaseTextSize Decrease text size Ngurangi ukuran teks
menuInfo Info Info
menuSettings Accessibility settings Setelan aksesibilitas
menuRestoreDefaults Restore defaults Mulihake standar
menuAbout About Babagan
menuLicense Upgrade your license Nganyarke lisensi sampeyan
menuRateAndComment Rate us Rate kita
menuSendDebugFeedback Report an issue Laporan masalah
paramSensorRate Sensor rate Tingkat sensor
paramDamping Damping Damping
paramRecoil Recoil mundur
paramLinearScaling Linear scaling Skala linear
Key English Javanese
aboutScreenGithubLink Stilly on GitHub Stilly ing GitHub
aboutScreenLicenseText This application is free and works without limitations. However, the parameters will return to their default values after 1 hour without a license. Aplikasi iki gratis lan bisa digunakake tanpa watesan. Nanging, paramèter bakal bali menyang nilai standar sawise 1 jam tanpa lisensi.
aboutScreenLicenseTitle App license Lisensi aplikasi
aboutScreenTranslationsText Help translate this app and get a free license! More info: Tulung nerjemahake aplikasi iki lan entuk lisensi gratis! Info liyane:
aboutScreenTranslationsTitle Translations Terjemahan
accServiceDesc ⛵ This service allows compatible applications to easily counteract small device movements within their user interface.

🏝️ This can improve screen readability and possibly alleviate motion sickness while on the go, e.g. while reading in a moving vehicle.

🛡️ The app needs your permission to know which window is visible on the screen. It does not read window contents.

ℹ️ Find more info, implementation details and examples on:
⛵ Layanan iki ngidini aplikasi sing kompatibel bisa gampang nglawan obahe piranti cilik ing antarmuka pangguna.

🏝️ Iki bisa nambah keterbacaan layar lan bisa uga nyuda mabuk nalika lelungan, contone. nalika maca ing kendaraan obah.

🛡️ Aplikasi mbutuhake ijin sampeyan kanggo ngerti jendhela sing katon ing layar. Ora maca isi jendhela.

ℹ️ Temokake info liyane, rincian implementasi lan conto ing:
appDesc ⛵ This service allows compatible applications to easily counteract small device movements within their user interface.

🏝️ This can improve screen readability and possibly alleviate motion sickness while on the go, e.g. while reading in a moving vehicle.

⚡ The application has been crafted very meticulously, in order to minimize resource usage and maximize performance.

Hope you enjoy it 😊
⛵ Layanan iki ngidini aplikasi sing kompatibel bisa gampang nglawan obahe piranti cilik ing antarmuka pangguna.

🏝️ Iki bisa nambah keterbacaan layar lan bisa uga nyuda mabuk nalika lelungan, contone. nalika maca ing kendaraan obah.

⚡ Aplikasi wis digawe kanthi tliti, supaya bisa nyilikake panggunaan sumber daya lan ngoptimalake kinerja.

Semoga terhibur 😊
cancel Cancel Batal
dialogButtonRateOnPlayStore Rate on Play Store Rate ing Play Store
dialogConsentButton Accept Nampa
dialogConsentMessage This application needs the AccessibilityService API to retrieve interactive windows on the screen, in order to find compatible ones.

The service then sends multiple "move window" accessibility actions to such windows, as needed, to perform the intended function.
Aplikasi iki mbutuhake API AccessibilityService kanggo njupuk jendhela interaktif ing layar, supaya bisa nemokake sing kompatibel.

Layanan kasebut banjur ngirim sawetara tumindak aksesibilitas "pindhah jendhela" menyang jendhela kasebut, yen perlu, kanggo nindakake fungsi sing dimaksud.
dialogConsentTitle Consent idin
dialogInfoButton Go to GitHub Pindhah menyang GitHub
dialogInfoMessage Shake the device a little. Notice how the background content softens these movements, making on-screen reading easier. (Stilly service must be enabled in the Accessibility settings for this to happen.)

This functionality can be easily implemented in any application. Please follow the instructions on GitHub.
Goyangake piranti kasebut sethithik. Elinga carane isi latar mburi soften gerakan iki, nggawe maca ing layar luwih gampang. (Layanan tetep kudu diaktifake ing setelan Aksesibilitas supaya bisa kedadeyan.)

Fungsi iki bisa gampang dileksanakake ing aplikasi apa wae. Mangga tindakake pandhuan ing GitHub.
dialogInfoTitle @string/menuInfo
dialogRestoreDefaultsMessage Restore settings to default values? Mulihake setelan menyang nilai gawan?
dialogRestoreDefaultsTitle @string/menuRestoreDefaults
dialogReviewNudgeMessage Are you enjoying this app? Apa sampeyan seneng karo aplikasi iki?
dialogReviewNudgeMessage2 Thanks! Please write a nice review or rate us 5 stars on the Play Store. Matur nuwun! Tulis review sing apik utawa menehi rating 5 bintang ing Play Store.
generalError Some error occurred. Please try again. Ana sawetara kesalahan. Mangga nyoba maneh.
licenseItemAlreadyOwned License item already owned Item lisensi wis diduweni
licenseSuccessDialogMessage The app was licensed successfully. Thank you for your support! Aplikasi kasebut kasil dilisensi. Matur nuwun kanggo dhukungan!
licenseSuccessDialogTitle @string/app_name
loremIpsum (This text is for demonstration purposes)

The soldier with the green whiskers led them through the streets of the Emerald City until they reached the room where the Guardian of the Gates lived. This officer unlocked their spectacles to put them back in his great box, and then he politely opened the gate for our friends.

"Which road leads to the Wicked Witch of the West?" asked Dorothy.

"There is no road," answered the Guardian of the Gates. "No one ever wishes to go that way."

"How, then, are we to find her?" inquired the girl.

"That will be easy," replied the man, "for when she knows you are in the country of the Winkies she will find you, and make you all her slaves."

"Perhaps not," said the Scarecrow, "for we mean to destroy her."

"Oh, that is different," said the Guardian of the Gates. "No one has ever destroyed her before, so I naturally thought she would make slaves of you, as she has of the rest. But take care; for she is wicked and fierce, and may not allow you to destroy her. Keep to the West, where the sun sets, and you cannot fail to find her."

They thanked him and bade him good-bye, and turned toward the West, walking over fields of soft grass dotted here and there with daisies and buttercups. Dorothy still wore the pretty silk dress she had put on in the palace, but now, to her surprise, she found it was no longer green, but pure white. The ribbon around Toto's neck had also lost its green color and was as white as Dorothy's dress.

The Emerald City was soon left far behind. As they advanced the ground became rougher and hillier, for there were no farms nor houses in this country of the West, and the ground was untilled.

In the afternoon the sun shone hot in their faces, for there were no trees to offer them shade; so that before night Dorothy and Toto and the Lion were tired, and lay down upon the grass and fell asleep, with the Woodman and the Scarecrow keeping watch.

Now the Wicked Witch of the West had but one eye, yet that was as powerful as a telescope, and could see everywhere. So, as she sat in the door of her castle, she happened to look around and saw Dorothy lying asleep, with her friends all about her. They were a long distance off, but the Wicked Witch was angry to find them in her country; so she blew upon a silver whistle that hung around her neck.

At once there came running to her from all directions a pack of great wolves. They had long legs and fierce eyes and sharp teeth.

"Go to those people," said the Witch, "and tear them to pieces."

"Are you not going to make them your slaves?" asked the leader of the wolves.

"No," she answered, "one is of tin, and one of straw; one is a girl and another a Lion. None of them is fit to work, so you may tear them into small pieces."

"Very well," said the wolf, and he dashed away at full speed, followed by the others.

It was lucky the Scarecrow and the Woodman were wide awake and heard the wolves coming.

"This is my fight," said the Woodman, "so get behind me and I will meet them as they come."

He seized his axe, which he had made very sharp, and as the leader of the wolves came on the Tin Woodman swung his arm and chopped the wolf's head from its body, so that it immediately died. As soon as he could raise his axe another wolf came up, and he also fell under the sharp edge of the Tin Woodman's weapon. There were forty wolves, and forty times a wolf was killed, so that at last they all lay dead in a heap before the Woodman.

Then he put down his axe and sat beside the Scarecrow, who said, "It was a good fight, friend."

They waited until Dorothy awoke the next morning. The little girl was quite frightened when she saw the great pile of shaggy wolves, but the Tin Woodman told her all. She thanked him for saving them and sat down to breakfast, after which they started again upon their journey.

Now this same morning the Wicked Witch came to the door of her castle and looked out with her one eye that could see far off. She saw all her wolves lying dead, and the strangers still traveling through her country. This made her angrier than before, and she blew her silver whistle twice.

Straightway a great flock of wild crows came flying toward her, enough to darken the sky.

And the Wicked Witch said to the King Crow, "Fly at once to the strangers; peck out their eyes and tear them to pieces."

The wild crows flew in one great flock toward Dorothy and her companions. When the little girl saw them coming she was afraid.

But the Scarecrow said, "This is my battle, so lie down beside me and you will not be harmed."

So they all lay upon the ground except the Scarecrow, and he stood up and stretched out his arms. And when the crows saw him they were frightened, as these birds always are by scarecrows, and did not dare to come any nearer. But the King Crow said:

"It is only a stuffed man. I will peck his eyes out."

The King Crow flew at the Scarecrow, who caught it by the head and twisted its neck until it died. And then another crow flew at him, and the Scarecrow twisted its neck also. There were forty crows, and forty times the Scarecrow twisted a neck, until at last all were lying dead beside him. Then he called to his companions to rise, and again they went upon their journey.

When the Wicked Witch looked out again and saw all her crows lying in a heap, she got into a terrible rage, and blew three times upon her silver whistle.

Forthwith there was heard a great buzzing in the air, and a swarm of black bees came flying toward her.

"Go to the strangers and sting them to death!" commanded the Witch, and the bees turned and flew rapidly until they came to where Dorothy and her friends were walking. But the Woodman had seen them coming, and the Scarecrow had decided what to do.

"Take out my straw and scatter it over the little girl and the dog and the Lion," he said to the Woodman, "and the bees cannot sting them." This the Woodman did, and as Dorothy lay close beside the Lion and held Toto in her arms, the straw covered them entirely.

The bees came and found no one but the Woodman to sting, so they flew at him and broke off all their stings against the tin, without hurting the Woodman at all. And as bees cannot live when their stings are broken that was the end of the black bees, and they lay scattered thick about the Woodman, like little heaps of fine coal.

Then Dorothy and the Lion got up, and the girl helped the Tin Woodman put the straw back into the Scarecrow again, until he was as good as ever. So they started upon their journey once more.

The Wicked Witch was so angry when she saw her black bees in little heaps like fine coal that she stamped her foot and tore her hair and gnashed her teeth. And then she called a dozen of her slaves, who were the Winkies, and gave them sharp spears, telling them to go to the strangers and destroy them.

The Winkies were not a brave people, but they had to do as they were told. So they marched away until they came near to Dorothy. Then the Lion gave a great roar and sprang towards them, and the poor Winkies were so frightened that they ran back as fast as they could.
(Tèks iki kanggo tujuan demonstrasi)

Prajurit karo kumis ijo nuntun wong-wong mau liwat lurung-lurung ing Kutha Jamrud nganti tekan kamar panggonane Guardian of the Gates. Petugas iki mbukak kunci kacamata kanggo dilebokake maneh ing kothak gedhene, banjur kanthi sopan mbukak gerbang kanggo kanca-kanca.

"Lan endi sing ngarah menyang Penyihir Jahat saka Kulon?" takon Dorothy.

"Ora ana dalan," wangsulane Wali Gerbang. "Ora ana wong sing kepengin lunga kanthi cara kasebut."

"Lah, kepiye carane golek dheweke?" pitakone bocah wadon mau.

"Iku bakal gampang," wangsulane wong, "amarga dheweke ngerti sampeyan ana ing negara Winkies, dheweke bakal nemokake sampeyan, lan nggawe sampeyan kabeh dadi batur."

"Mbok ora," ujare Scarecrow, "amarga kita arep numpes dheweke."

"Oh, sing beda," ujare Guardian of the Gates. "Durung ana wong siji-sijia sing tau ngrusak dheweke, mula aku mesthi mikir yen dheweke bakal nggawe baturmu, kaya liyane. Kulon, ing ngendi srengenge surup, lan sampeyan ora bakal bisa nemokake dheweke."

Wong-wong mau padha matur nuwun lan nyuwun pamit, banjur noleh menyang sisih kulon, mlaku-mlaku ing sawah-sawah suket alus sing ana ing kene karo kembang aster lan buttercups. Dorothy isih nganggo busana sutra sing apik banget sing disedhiyakake ing kraton, nanging saiki kaget dheweke nemokake yen wis ora ijo maneh, nanging putih murni. Pita ing gulu Toto uga wis ilang warnane ijo lan putih kaya klambine Dorothy.

Kutha Jamrud banjur ditinggal adoh. Nalika padha maju, lemahe saya kasar lan gunung, amarga ing negara Kulon iki ora ana tegalan utawa omah, lan lemahe nganti.

Ing wayah sore srengenge sumunar ing pasuryane, amarga ora ana wit-witan sing bisa menehi iyub-iyub; Dadi sadurunge wengi Dorothy lan Toto lan Singa wis kesel, banjur turu ing suket lan turu, karo Woodman lan Scarecrow tetep nonton.

Saiki Penyihir Jahat saka Kulon mung duwe mripat siji, nanging sing kuat kaya teleskop, lan bisa ndeleng ing endi wae. Dadi, nalika dheweke lungguh ing lawang kastil, dheweke kebeneran ndeleng mubeng lan weruh Dorothy lagi turu, karo kanca-kancane kabeh. Padha adoh adoh, nanging Penyihir duraka nesu amarga nemokake dheweke ing negarane; mula dheweke ngunekake singsot perak sing ana ing gulu.

Sanalika iku ana kumpulan asu asu gedhe teka saka kabeh arah. Dheweke duwe sikil dawa lan mripate galak lan untune landhep.

"Lungaa wong-wong mau," ujare Penyihir, "lan nyuwek-nyuwek."

"Apa sampeyan ora bakal nggawe dheweke dadi baturmu?" pitakone pimpinan asu ajag.

"Ora," wangsulane dheweke, "sing siji saka timah, siji saka jerami, siji wadon lan siji Singa. Ora ana siji-sijine sing bisa digunakake, supaya sampeyan bisa nyuwek-nyuwek dadi potongan-potongan cilik."

"Oke banget," ujare asu ajag, lan dheweke mlayu kanthi cepet, disusul wong liya.

Untunge Scarecrow lan Woodman padha tangi lan krungu asu ajag teka.

"Iki perangku," ujare Woodman, "dadi ndhisiki aku lan aku bakal ketemu nalika dheweke teka."

Dheweke ngrebut kapak, sing digawe landhep banget, lan nalika pimpinan serigala teka ing Timah Woodman, dheweke ngayunake lengen lan ngethok sirahe asu ajag saka awak, saengga dheweke langsung mati. Sanalika dheweke bisa ngunggahake kapak, asu ajag liyane teka, lan dheweke uga tiba ing sangisore landhep gegaman Tin Woodman. Ana patang puluh asu ajag, lan ping patang puluh asu ajag dipatèni, dadi pungkasane kabeh padha mati ing tumpukan sadurunge Woodman.

Banjur nyelehake kapak lan lungguh ing jejere Scarecrow, sing ngomong: "Iku perang apik, kanca."

Dheweke ngenteni nganti Dorothy tangi esuk. Bocah wadon cilik iki wedi banget nalika ndeleng tumpukan gedhe asu asu, nanging Tukang Kayu Timah ngandhani kabeh. Dheweke matur nuwun kanggo nylametake dheweke lan lungguh sarapan, sawise iku dheweke miwiti maneh nalika lelungan.

Saiki esuk sing padha, Penyihir jahat teka ing lawang kastil lan katon metu kanthi mripat siji sing bisa ndeleng adoh. Dheweke weruh kabeh asu ajag padha mati, lan wong-wong manca isih lelungan liwat negarane. Iki nggawe dheweke nesu tinimbang sadurunge, lan dheweke ngunekake singsot perak kaping pindho.

Sakwisé kuwi ana manuk gagak galak mabur marani dhèwèké, cukup kanggo peteng ndhedhet langit.

Si Dukun duraka ngandika marang Sang Gagak: "Enggal-enggal mabur marani wong-wong manca, copot mripate lan cilaka."

Gagak liar mabur ing siji kumpul gedhe menyang Dorothy lan kanca-kancane. Nalika bocah wadon cilik weruh dheweke teka, dheweke wedi.

Nanging wong Scarecrow kandha, "Iki perangku, mula turua ing sandhingku lan kowe ora bakal cilaka."

Dadine kabeh padha gumlethak ana ing lemah kajaba Scarecrow, banjur jumeneng lan ngegungake tangane. Bareng manuk gagak padha weruh, banjur padha wedi, awit manuk-manuk mau tansah ana ing wong-wong, lan ora wani nyedhaki. Nanging Sang Prabu Gagak ngandika:

"Iku mung wong diiseni. Aku bakal peck mripate metu."

Raja Gagak mabur menyang Scarecrow, sing nyekel sirahe lan mbengkongake gulu nganti mati. Banjur manuk gagak liyane mabur ing dheweke, lan Scarecrow uga nggantheng gulu. Ana patang puluh gagak, lan ping patang puluh Scarecrow mbengkongake gulu, nganti pungkasane kabeh padha mati ing sandhinge. Panjenengané banjur nimbali kanca-kancané supaya padha tangi, banjur padha mangkat manèh.

Nalika Witch duraka katon metu maneh lan weruh kabeh gagak lying ing tumpukan, dheweke nesu banget, lan nyebul ping telu marang singsine perak.

Sanalika keprungu swara gedhe ing udhara, lan grombolan tawon ireng mabur nyedhaki dheweke.

"Lungaa marang wong liyo lan sting nganti mati!" dhawuhe Witch, lan tawon nguripake lan mabur kanthi cepet nganti tekan ing ngendi Dorothy lan kanca-kancane mlaku. Nanging Woodman wis weruh wong teka, lan Scarecrow wis mutusaké apa apa.

"Njupuk jeramiku lan nyebarake menyang bocah wadon cilik lan asu lan singa," ujare marang Woodman, "lan tawon ora bisa nyengat dheweke." Iki ditindakake dening Woodman, lan nalika Dorothy lungguh ing jejere Singa lan nyekel Toto ing tangane, jerami kasebut nutupi kabeh.

Tawon padha teka lan ora ketemu wong kang nyengat, kajaba Woodman, banjur padha mabur ing wong lan nyuwil mati kabeh stings marang timah, tanpa natoni Woodman babar pisan. Lan minangka tawon ora bisa urip nalika stings sing bejat sing mburi tawon ireng, lan padha lay kasebar nglukis babagan Woodman, kaya tumpukan cilik saka batu bara nggoleki.

Banjur Dorothy lan Singa tangi, lan cah wadon mbantu Timah Woodman sijine kang dipercoyo bali menyang Scarecrow maneh, nganti dheweke dadi apik minangka tau. Mulané wong-wong mau banjur miwiti lelungan manèh.

Penyihir Duraka nesu banget nalika ndeleng tawon ireng ing tumpukan cilik kaya batu bara sing apik, mula dheweke ngethok sikile lan nyuwek rambute lan keroting untune. Banjur dheweke nimbali rolas bature, yaiku Winkies, lan menehi tumbak sing landhep, didhawuhi marani wong liyo lan nyirnakake.

Winkies dudu wong sing wani, nanging kudu nindakake apa sing didhawuhake. Mulané padha budhal nganti cedhak karo Dorothy. Singa banjur nggero banget lan mlumpat menyang wong-wong mau, lan Winkies sing mlarat wedi banget, mula dheweke mlayu maneh kanthi cepet.
measuredSensorRate Measured sensor rate Tingkat sensor sing diukur
measuredSensorRateInfo Current sensor rate as measured by the app. This may differ from the desired sensor rate as the system ultimately decides which rate to provide. Tingkat sensor saiki sing diukur dening app. Iki bisa uga beda-beda saka tingkat sensor sing dikarepake amarga sistem pungkasane nemtokake tarif sing bakal diwenehake.
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translate/strings-jv.xml, string 17