
Key English Javanese
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paramSensorRate Sensor rate Tingkat sensor
paramDamping Damping Damping
paramRecoil Recoil mundur
paramLinearScaling Linear scaling Skala linear
paramForceScaling Force scaling Force scaling
paramSensorRateInfo This sets the desired sensor rate. Higher values may consume more battery. This may differ from the measured sensor rate as the system ultimately decides which rate to provide. Iki nyetel tingkat sensor sing dikarepake. Nilai sing luwih dhuwur bisa uga nggunakake baterei luwih akeh. Iki bisa uga beda karo tingkat sensor sing diukur amarga sistem pungkasane mutusake tarif sing bakal diwenehake.
paramDampingInfo Increasing this will slow down and attenuate movements, making them less sensitive to larger forces. Tambah iki bakal alon mudhun lan attenuate obahe, nggawe wong kurang sensitif pasukan luwih gedhe.
paramRecoilInfo Increasing this will reduce sensitivity to small oscillations and make movements less sensitive to larger forces. Nambah iki bakal nyuda sensitivitas kanggo osilasi cilik lan nggawe gerakan kurang sensitif marang pasukan sing luwih gedhe.
paramLinearScalingInfo This scales the movements linearly, making them larger or smaller without affecting the calculations. Iki skala gerakan linear, nggawe luwih gedhe utawa cilik tanpa mengaruhi petungan.
paramForceScalingInfo This scales the forces before calculations, which in turn affects the overall magnitude of movements. Iki timbangan pasukan sadurunge petungan, kang siji mengaruhi gedhene sakabèhé saka gerakan.
measuredSensorRateInfo Current sensor rate as measured by the app. This may differ from the desired sensor rate as the system ultimately decides which rate to provide. Tingkat sensor saiki sing diukur dening app. Iki bisa uga beda-beda saka tingkat sensor sing dikarepake amarga sistem pungkasane nemtokake tarif sing bakal diwenehake.
yes Yes ya wis
no No Ora
ok OK OK
cancel Cancel Batal
measuredSensorRate Measured sensor rate Tingkat sensor sing diukur
ratePerSecond %1$s Hz %1$s Hz
dialogReviewNudgeMessage Are you enjoying this app? Apa sampeyan seneng karo aplikasi iki?
dialogReviewNudgeMessage2 Thanks! Please write a nice review or rate us 5 stars on the Play Store. Matur nuwun! Tulis review sing apik utawa menehi rating 5 bintang ing Play Store.
dialogButtonRateOnPlayStore Rate on Play Store Rate ing Play Store
generalError Some error occurred. Please try again. Ana sawetara kesalahan. Mangga nyoba maneh.
ultimateLicenseTitle Ultimate License Lisensi Ultimate
licenseItemAlreadyOwned License item already owned Item lisensi wis diduweni
licenseSuccessDialogTitle @string/app_name
licenseSuccessDialogMessage The app was licensed successfully. Thank you for your support! Aplikasi kasebut kasil dilisensi. Matur nuwun kanggo dhukungan!
ultimateLicenseLabel Ultimate Pamungkas
Key English Javanese
openSourceLicensesTitle Open source licenses Lisensi sumber terbuka
paramDamping Damping Damping
paramDampingInfo Increasing this will slow down and attenuate movements, making them less sensitive to larger forces. Tambah iki bakal alon mudhun lan attenuate obahe, nggawe wong kurang sensitif pasukan luwih gedhe.
paramForceScaling Force scaling Force scaling
paramForceScalingInfo This scales the forces before calculations, which in turn affects the overall magnitude of movements. Iki timbangan pasukan sadurunge petungan, kang siji mengaruhi gedhene sakabèhé saka gerakan.
paramLinearScaling Linear scaling Skala linear
paramLinearScalingInfo This scales the movements linearly, making them larger or smaller without affecting the calculations. Iki skala gerakan linear, nggawe luwih gedhe utawa cilik tanpa mengaruhi petungan.
paramRecoil Recoil mundur
paramRecoilInfo Increasing this will reduce sensitivity to small oscillations and make movements less sensitive to larger forces. Nambah iki bakal nyuda sensitivitas kanggo osilasi cilik lan nggawe gerakan kurang sensitif marang pasukan sing luwih gedhe.
paramSensorRate Sensor rate Tingkat sensor
paramSensorRateInfo This sets the desired sensor rate. Higher values may consume more battery. This may differ from the measured sensor rate as the system ultimately decides which rate to provide. Iki nyetel tingkat sensor sing dikarepake. Nilai sing luwih dhuwur bisa uga nggunakake baterei luwih akeh. Iki bisa uga beda karo tingkat sensor sing diukur amarga sistem pungkasane mutusake tarif sing bakal diwenehake.
ratePerSecond %1$s Hz %1$s Hz
serviceInactiveText Service is disabled, click here to enable. Layanan dipateni, klik kene kanggo ngaktifake.
ultimateLicenseLabel Ultimate Pamungkas
ultimateLicenseTitle Ultimate License Lisensi Ultimate
yes Yes ya wis


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Automatic translation

Stilly / StringsJavanese

6 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "ya wis".

Fix string



English Javanese
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
6 months ago
Source string age
6 months ago
Translation file
translate/strings-jv.xml, string 40