
Key English Galician
aboutScreenChangeLogLink Version change log Rexistro de cambio de versión
aboutScreenFacebookLink Urban Biker on Facebook Urban Biker en Facebook
aboutScreenTranslationsText Help translate this app and get a free license! More info: Axuda a traducir esta aplicación e obtén unha licenza gratis! Máis información:
aboutScreenTranslationsTitle Translations Traducións
aboutScreenWarmWelcome Hope you enjoy this app 😊 Espero que goces desta aplicación 😊
accountDisconnect Disconnect Desconectar
actionDefault Default Por defecto
app_description Track and measure your rides with great accuracy. Increase your cycling safety and efficiency. Rastrexa e mide os seus paseos con gran precisión. Aumente a súa seguridade e eficiencia en ciclismo.
app_name Urban Biker Urban Biker
batteryOptimizationToast Select Urban Biker from the list Selecciona Urban Biker na lista
buttonLater Later Mais tarde
buttonNewTrack Finish Finalizar
buttonProceed Proceed Procede
buttonResumeTrack Resume Continuar
buttonShow Show Mostrar
buttonUnderstand I understand Enténdese
cancel Cancel Cancelar
cautionTitle Caution Atención
chartsTitle Charts Gráficas
cloudAccountsInfo Connecting to a cloud service makes it easier for you to upload and share your tracks with others.

We'll never post anything without your permission.
Conectarse a un servizo na nube facilítalle cargar e compartir os seus percorridos con outros.

Nunca publicaremos nada sen o seu permiso.
cloudAccountsPowerUploadPolicy_0 Always (default) Sempre (por defecto)
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Urban Biker/Strings
Needs editing Urban Biker/Strings


User avatar None

Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsGalician

8 months ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Por defecto".

Fix string



English Galician
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
8 months ago
Source string age
8 months ago
Translation file
translate/strings-gl.xml, string 60