
Key English Galician
infoMeterModeStepCadenceTitle Step cadence Cadencia de paso
infoMeterModeStepCountMsg Number of steps taken. Número de pasos dados.
infoMeterModeStepCountTitle Steps Pasos
infoMeterModeTemperatureMsg Ambient temperature as measured with the device or an external sensor. Temperatura ambiente medida co dispositivo ou mediante sensor externo.
infoMeterModeTemperatureTitle Temperature Temperatura
infoMeterModeVerticalPowerMsg Power loss or gain while ascending or descending.

Negative means power gain (descending).

When in kcal/h or kJ/h, it also takes efficiency into account.
Perda ou ganancia de potencia ao ascender ou descender.

Valores negativos significan ganancia de potencia (descendente).

Cando está en kcal/h ou kJ/h, tamén ten en conta a eficiencia.
infoMeterModeVerticalPowerTitle Climb power Potencia vertical
infoMeterModeVerticalSpeedMsg Speed in the up (positive) or down (negative) vertical direction. Velocidade en dirección vertical cara arriba (positiva) ou cara abaixo (negativa).
infoMeterModeVerticalSpeedTitle Climb speed Velocidade vertical
infoMeterModeVibrationsMsg Vibrations as measured with the device. Useful when the device is held fixed to a vehicle (e.g. on a bike handlebars), and not in a hand or in a pocket. Vibracións medidas co dispositivo. Útil se o dispositivo está fixado ao vehículo (por exemplo, no guiador dunha bicicleta), e non en man ou peto.
infoMeterModeVibrationsTitle Vibrations Vibracións
infoMeterModeWriggleMsg Measure of route deviation from a straight line, i.e. how much it fills the area instead of going straight. Lower is usually better. Mide a desviación do percorrido desde unha liña recta, é dicir, canto enche a área en lugar de ir en liña recta. Canto máis baixo mellor.
infoMeterModeWriggleTitle Wriggle Serpeo
infoSpeedometerMsg Shows your current, maximum and average speed.

Stall indicator indicates when the speed value wasn't updated in a while and can't be trusted.

Pace indicator are small arrows near the speed value that show when the current speed is above or below the average speed.
Mostra a túa velocidade actual, máxima e media.

O indicador de bloqueo indica cando o valor de velocidade leva sen actualizarse durante tempo e, por tanto, non se pode confiar nel.

Os indicadores de ritmo son pequenas frechas preto do valor de velocidade que representan cando a velocidade actual está, respectivamente, por encima ou por baixo da velocidade media.
infoSpeedometerTitle Speedometer Velocímetro
inProgress In progress En progreso
licenseDialogMapsTab Maps Mapas
licenseDialogProTab @string/proLicenseLabel
licenseDialogUltimateTab @string/ultimateLicenseLabel
licenseItemAlreadyOwned License item already owned En posesión dunha licenza
licenseItemOwned Currently owned Actualmente de propiedade
licenseSuccessDialogMessage The app was licensed successfully. Thank you for your support! A App licenciouse correctamente. ¡Grazas pola súa axuda!
licenseSuccessDialogTitle @string/app_name
licenseUpgradeTitle Upgrade your license Actualiza a túa licenza
loading Loading… Cargando…
locale en gl
manageSubscriptions Manage subscriptions Xestionar as subscricións
mapboxMapsFeatures ⭐ Mapbox premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Mapas premium de Mapbox
⭐ Navegación
⭐ Liña base de altitude en liña
⭐ Sen anuncios
⭐ Todas as funcións e mapas gratuítos
mapboxMapsLabel Mapbox
mapLayerSatellite Satellite Satélite


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsGalician

11 months ago
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Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "En progreso".

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English Galician
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
12 months ago
Source string age
12 months ago
Translation file
translate/strings-gl.xml, string 65