
Key English Portuguese
speechDescent Drop: %1$s Descida: %1$s
speechClock Clock: %1$s Relógio: %1$s
speechSteps Steps: %1$s Passos: %1$s
speechRadius Radius: %1$s Raio: %1$s
speechEnergy Energy: %1$s Energia: %1$s
speechCountdownGo Go! Partida!
speechIncreasing Rising Subindo
speechDecreasing Dropping Descendo
speechTrackingStart Start Início
speechTrackingStop Stop Paragem
speechTrackingPause Pause Pausa
speechTrackingResume Go Partida
speechPromptTrackingResume Resume or finish? Retomar ou terminar?
speechTrackingGpsOk GPS OK GPS OK
speechTrackingGpsWeak No GPS Sem GPS
speechNavigationContinue Continue Em frente
speechNavigationDestinationReached You have reached the destination Você chegou ao seu destino
speechNavigationGotOffRoute You have gone off the route Você saiu da rota
speechNavigationWrongWay Wrong way Caminho errado
navigationContinue Continue Em frente
navigationDestinationReached Destination Destino
navigationGotOffRoute Off route Fora da rota
navigationWrongWay Wrong way Caminho errado
navigationRerouteCmd Click to reroute Clique para redirecionar
navigationLoadingData Loading directions… Carregando direções…
navigationLoadFromFilePrompt An error occurred while loading new directions from the Internet.

Do you want to load previously used directions from a file?
Ocorreu um erro ao carregar novas direções da Internet.

Deseja carregar direções usadas anteriormente de um arquivo?
navigationStepsInfo Navigation instructions will appear here as you move. Hide or slide this panel as desired. As instruções de navegação aparecerão aqui conforme você se desloca. Oculte ou deslize este painel conforme desejar.
navigationRouteNotFound Sorry, no route was found to that destination Desculpe, nenhuma rota foi encontrada para este destino
navigationRouteTooLong Sorry, this destination is too far away Desculpe, este destino está muito longe
navigationStopPrompt Stop Parar
navigationHidePrompt Hide Ocultar
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Translated Urban Biker/Strings
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Urban Biker/Strings


User avatar LMM

Translation changed

Urban Biker / StringsPortuguese

a year ago
User avatar LMM

New translation

Urban Biker / StringsPortuguese

a year ago
Browse all component changes


English Portuguese
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
translate/strings-pt.xml, string 1611