
Key English Asturian
toastSharingSuccess Successfully posted Publicáu con ésitu
toastSharingError Error during sharing actions Erru mientres compartiose
toastSharingPermissionsError Error posting, please check permissions Erru publicando, por favor compruebe los permisos
toastSharingNoGpxError Error, no GPX file in the track Erru, nun fai nengún arquivu GPX no percorriu
toastUpdatingSuccess Successfully updated Actualizáu con ésitu
toastSoundsEnabled Sounds enabled Soníos habilitaos
toastSoundsDisabled Sounds disabled Soníos apagaos
toastSensorEnabled Sensor enabled Sensor activáu
toastSensorDisabled Sensor disabled Sensor apagáu
toastAutoThemeActivated Automatic visual theme activated Tema visual automáticu activáu
toastCancelled Canceled Canceáu
toastScreenPocketModeActive Pocket mode active Mou bolsu activáu
toastScreenWavingModeActive Waving mode active Mou d'axitación activáu
toastScreensaverModeActive Screensaver mode active Mou de protector de pantalla activu
toastSteadyScreenModeActive Screen stabilization enabled
toastSteadyScreenModeIntelligentActive Screen stabilization intelligent enabled
toastSteadyScreenModeOff Screen stabilization disabled
toastGpsIntervalAdaptiveActive Adaptive update interval is active
notificationTitle @string/app_name
notificationTitleAdvanced %1$s
notificationTitleAdvancedPaused Paused: %1$s Pausáu: %1$s
licenseSuccessDialogTitle @string/app_name
licenseSuccessDialogMessage The app was licensed successfully. Thank you for your support! La Aplicación llicencióse correchamente. ¡Gracies pol to sofitu!
ongoingNotificationChannelName Ongoing notification Notificación saliente
ongoingNotificationChannelDescription Providing control of the foreground service and easy access to the app Da-y control sobro'l serviciu en primer planu y accesu cenciellu a l'aplicación
cautionTitle Caution Atención
dialog_default_color_light_title Light color theme Tema visual claru
dialog_default_color_dark_title Dark color theme Tema visual escuru
dialog_default_map_track_colors_title Map track colors Color del percorríu nel mapa
dialog_default_color_text This will load the default colors. Are you sure? Esto va-i cargar los colores por defectu. ¿Tas seguru/a?
dialog_defaultConfirmation Are you sure? ¿Tas seguru?
Key English Asturian
toastProfilesListProfileUpdated Profile updated Perfil actualizáu
toastRestartRequired Please restart the app for this to take effect Por favor, restola l'aplicación pa que los cambeos tomen efectu
toastRoarButtonClickInfo Long-click to toggle the AVAS sound Clic llargu p'alternar el soníu SAAV
toastScreenPocketModeActive Pocket mode active Mou bolsu activáu
toastScreensaverModeActive Screensaver mode active Mou de protector de pantalla activu
toastScreenWavingModeActive Waving mode active Mou d'axitación activáu
toastSensorDisabled Sensor disabled Sensor apagáu
toastSensorEnabled Sensor enabled Sensor activáu
toastSharingError Error during sharing actions Erru mientres compartiose
toastSharingNoGpxError Error, no GPX file in the track Erru, nun fai nengún arquivu GPX no percorriu
toastSharingPermissionsError Error posting, please check permissions Erru publicando, por favor compruebe los permisos
toastSharingSuccess Successfully posted Publicáu con ésitu
toastSoundsDisabled Sounds disabled Soníos apagaos
toastSoundsEnabled Sounds enabled Soníos habilitaos
toastSteadyScreenModeActive Screen stabilization enabled
toastSteadyScreenModeIntelligentActive Screen stabilization intelligent enabled
toastSteadyScreenModeOff Screen stabilization disabled
toastTrackDeleted Tracks deleted Percorríos borraos
toastTrackDeleteError Error deleting tracks Erru borrando percorríos
toastTrackDiscarded Track discarded. Percorríu escartáu.
toastTrackingPaused Paused Pausáu
toastTrackingRecording Recording Grabando
toastTrackingRecordingPassive Passive recording Grabación pasiva
toastTrackingStopped Stopped Paráu
toastTrackMovingError Error moving track to USB storage! Try resetting again. ¡Erru moviendo'l percorríu nel almacenamientu USB! Inténtalo otra vegada.
toastTrackResumed Track resumed Percorríu reentamadu
toastTrackResumeGpsActiveError Please turn off or pause the tracking first Por favor, n'antes pare o apague'l GPS
toastTrackSaved Track saved. Percorríu guardáu.
toastTrackSavingError Error saving track! Try resetting again. ¡Erru guardando percorríu! Inténtalo otra vegada.
toastTrackWritingError Error writing track data to storage! Try resetting again. ¡Erru al escribir el percorríu nel almacenamientu! Inténtalo otra vegada.


No matching activity found.

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English Asturian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
translate/strings-ast.xml, string 237