
Key English Asturian
infoMeterModeVerticalPowerMsg Power loss or gain while ascending or descending.

Negative means power gain (descending).

When in kcal/h or kJ/h, it also takes efficiency into account.
Perda o ganancia de potencia al xubir o baxar.

Valores negativos signifiquen ganancia de potencia (descendente).

Cuando ta en kcal/h o kJ/h, tamién tien en cuenta la eficiencia.
infoMeterModeTemperatureTitle Temperature Temperatura
infoMeterModeTemperatureMsg Ambient temperature as measured with the device or an external sensor. Temperatura ambiente midida col dispositivu o por aciu sensor esternu.
infoMeterModePressureTitle Pressure Presión
infoMeterModePressureMsg Ambient pressure as measured with the device or an external sensor. Presión ambiental midida col dispositivu o por aciu sensor esternu.
infoMeterModeHumidityTitle Humidity Mugor
infoMeterModeHumidityMsg Ambient relative humidity as measured with the device or an external sensor. Mugor relativo ambiental midida col dispositivu o por aciu sensor esternu.
infoMeterModeClockTitle Clock Reló
infoMeterModeClockMsg Current time of the day. Hora actual del día.
infoMeterModeBatteryTitle Battery
infoMeterModeBatteryMsg Battery level of this Android device.
infoMeterModeCadenceTitle Cadence Cadencia
infoMeterModeCadenceMsg Number of revolutions of the crank per minute, i.e. pedalling rate. Númberu de revoluciones de les bieles per minutu, esto ye, velocidá de pedaléu.
infoMeterModeHeartRateTitle Heart rate Frecuencia cardíaca
infoMeterModeHeartRateMsg Number of heartbeats per minute. Númberu de llatíos per minutu.
infoMeterModeGearRatioTitle Gear ratio Relación de tresmisión
infoMeterModeGearRatioMsg Ratio of wheel revolutions vs. pedal turns per time unit, i.e. ratio of front sprocket and rear sprocket sizes. Higher number means higher gear. Relación de revoluciones de rodar frente a xiros del pedal por unidá de tiempu, esto ye, relación de los tamaños de la catalina y piñón. Mayor númberu significa mayor velocidá.
infoMeterModeKineticEnergyTitle Kinetic energy Enerxía cinética
infoMeterModeKineticEnergyMsg The height you would reach by "letting go" up a long slope without braking.

Or, if you were to hit a wall the impact force would be the same as falling from this height.

This number increases as a speed squared, and is useful for safety considerations.
Altor sobro'l nivel del suelu onde la so enerxía potencial sería igual a la so enerxía cinética actual.

N'otres palabres, la so velocidá ye igual a la velocidá que tendría dempués de cayer dende esi altor (ensin tener en cuenta la resistencia del aire).

De la mesma, ye l'altor qu'algamaría al dir directamente escontra riba utilizando solo'l so conteníu d'enerxía cinética.
infoMeterModeStepCadenceTitle Step cadence Cadencia de pasos
infoMeterModeStepCadenceMsg Number of steps per minute. Númberu de pasos per minutu.
infoMeterModeStepCountTitle Steps Pasos
infoMeterModeStepCountMsg Number of steps taken. Númberu de pasos daos.
infoMeterModeRadiusTitle Radius Radio
infoMeterModeRadiusMsg Straight-line distance to the starting location, i.e. displacement. Distancia en llínea recta dende la posición inicial del percorríu, esto ye, el desplazamientu.
infoMeterModeVibrationsTitle Vibrations Vibraciones
infoMeterModeVibrationsMsg Vibrations as measured with the device. Useful when the device is held fixed to a vehicle (e.g. on a bike handlebars), and not in a hand or in a pocket. Vibraciones midíes col dispositivu. Útil si'l dispositivu ta fitu al vehículu (por casu, nel manillar d'una bicicleta), y non en mano o bolsu.
infoMeterModeMediaControlsTitle Media controls
infoMeterModeMediaControlsMsg Shows currently playing media and provides basic controls.

Note: Permission is required for this to work.
infoMeterModeMediaPermissionMsg Permission required, tap controls to open settings
infoSpeedometerTitle Speedometer Velocímetru
Key English Asturian
infoMeterModeDistanceMsg Distance traveled. Distancia percorrida.
infoMeterModeDistanceOdoMsg Total distance traveled since first profile use. Distancia total percorrida dende'l primer usu del perfil.
infoMeterModeDistanceOdoTitle Odometer Odómetru
infoMeterModeDistanceTitle Distance Distancia
infoMeterModeDurationMsg Duration of the trip, possibly excluding any pauses or stops. Duración del viaxe, posiblemente escluyendo cualquier posa o parada.
infoMeterModeDurationTitle Duration Duración
infoMeterModeEfficacyMsg Part of the energy spent that would suffice to make the same trip by moving at a constant speed equal to the average speed. Higher is better. Parte de la enerxía gastada que sería abonda para faer el mesmu viaxe moviendose a una velocidá constante igual a la velocidá media. Ente más altu, meyor.
infoMeterModeEfficacyTitle Efficacy (cumulative) Eficacia (acumuláu)
infoMeterModeElapsedMsg Duration of the trip, including all pauses but excluding stops. Duración del percorríu, inclúi toles poses (sacante les paraes).
infoMeterModeElapsedTitle Elapsed time Tiempu trescurríu
infoMeterModeEnergyMsg Energy spent for the trip, taking efficiency and BMR into account. Enerxía gastada mientres el viaxe, teniendo en cuenta la eficiencia y el TMB.
infoMeterModeEnergyTitle Energy Enerxía
infoMeterModeFuncThresholdPowerMsg Estimated maximum power that can be maintained for longer time periods.

The estimate highly depends on type and duration of this activity.
Potencia máxima envalorada que puede ser caltenida por llargos períodos de tiempu.

La estimación depende en gran midida del tipu y la duración de l'actividá.
infoMeterModeFuncThresholdPowerTitle Functional threshold power Estragal de Potencia Funcional (FTP)
infoMeterModeGearRatioMsg Ratio of wheel revolutions vs. pedal turns per time unit, i.e. ratio of front sprocket and rear sprocket sizes. Higher number means higher gear. Relación de revoluciones de rodar frente a xiros del pedal por unidá de tiempu, esto ye, relación de los tamaños de la catalina y piñón. Mayor númberu significa mayor velocidá.
infoMeterModeGearRatioTitle Gear ratio Relación de tresmisión
infoMeterModeHeartRateMsg Number of heartbeats per minute. Númberu de llatíos per minutu.
infoMeterModeHeartRateTitle Heart rate Frecuencia cardíaca
infoMeterModeHumidityMsg Ambient relative humidity as measured with the device or an external sensor. Mugor relativo ambiental midida col dispositivu o por aciu sensor esternu.
infoMeterModeHumidityTitle Humidity Mugor
infoMeterModeKineticEnergyMsg The height you would reach by "letting go" up a long slope without braking.

Or, if you were to hit a wall the impact force would be the same as falling from this height.

This number increases as a speed squared, and is useful for safety considerations.
Altor sobro'l nivel del suelu onde la so enerxía potencial sería igual a la so enerxía cinética actual.

N'otres palabres, la so velocidá ye igual a la velocidá que tendría dempués de cayer dende esi altor (ensin tener en cuenta la resistencia del aire).

De la mesma, ye l'altor qu'algamaría al dir directamente escontra riba utilizando solo'l so conteníu d'enerxía cinética.
infoMeterModeKineticEnergyTitle Kinetic energy Enerxía cinética
infoMeterModeMediaControlsMsg Shows currently playing media and provides basic controls.

Note: Permission is required for this to work.
infoMeterModeMediaControlsTitle Media controls
infoMeterModeMediaPermissionMsg Permission required, tap controls to open settings
infoMeterModeNoneMsg This only shows empty space.
infoMeterModeNoneTitle No meter mode
infoMeterModePaceMsg Inverse speed, i.e. time elapsed per unit of distance. Ritmu o velocidá inversa, esto ye, el tiempu trescurríu por unidá de distancia.
infoMeterModePaceTitle Pace Ritmu
infoMeterModePowerBalanceMsg Power balance, presented as a fraction of left and right contributions to the total power output.
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5 years ago
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5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-ast.xml, string 1287