
Key English Asturian
summaryChainWear Chain wear
summaryActivePower Active power Potencia activa
summaryClimbing Climb Ascensu
summaryClimbingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to overcome gravity. Porcentaxe enerxéticu que s'utilizó pa vencer la gravedá.
summaryDragging Drag Fricción
summaryDraggingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to overcome air drag resistance. Porcentaxe enerxéticu que s'utilizó pa superar la resistencia aerodinámica.
summaryAccelerating Accelerate Aceleración
summaryAcceleratingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to accelerate. Porcentaxe enerxéticu que s'utilizó pa acelerar.
summaryRolling Roll Roadura
summaryRollingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to overcome rolling resistance. Porcentaxe enerxéticu que s'utilizó pa superar la resistencia a la rodaura.
summaryBasal Basal basal
summaryBasalEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used for basal metabolism. Porcentaxe exerxéticu que empleóse pa'l metabolismu basal.
summaryVibrations Vibrations Vibraciones
summaryBraking Braking
summaryBrakingInfo Energy extracted by braking.

Can be regarded as brake wear - a pair of standard bicycle disc brake pads will last around 50 MJ, for cars around 5 GJ.
summaryBrakePadWear Brake pad wear
sensorsTitle Sensors Sensores
sensorsTabUsed Used N'usu
sensorsTabFound Found Atopaos
sensorsSectionUsedInProfile Used in the profile Usaos pol perfil
sensorsSectionSupported Supported Soportaos
sensorsSectionUnsupported Unsupported Ensin soporte
sensorsEmptyList Empty list Llista vacida
sensorsMenuScan Scan Escaniar
sensorsInfo Sensors get connected automatically while recording is active, and disconnected when you stop recording.

It's not possible to establish a sensor connection manually.
Los sensores conéctense automáticamente mientres la grabación ta activa y desconéctense cuando ésta detiense.

Nun ye posible establecer conexón a sensores manualmente.
sensorWheelCircNotSetWarning Wheel circumference has not been set Nun s'estableció la circunferencia de la rueda
sensorStepLengthNotSetWarning Step length has not been set El llargor de pasos nun foi establecidu
sensorMenuAddToProfile Add to the profile Añedir al perfil
sensorMenuRemoveFromProfile Remove from the profile Esaniciar del perfil
sensorMenuProperties Properties Propiedaes
sensorMenuEnable Enable Habilitar
Key English Asturian
subscriptionCancelInfo Cancel anytime in Subscriptions on Google Play.
subscriptionPer1m %1$s billed once a month %1$s facturaos una vegada cada mes
subscriptionPer1w %1$s billed once a week %1$s facturaos una vegada cada selmana
subscriptionPer1y %1$s billed every 12 months %1$s facturaos una vegada cada 12 meses
subscriptionPer3m %1$s billed every 3 months %1$s facturaos una vegada cada 3 meses
subscriptionPer6m %1$s billed every 6 months %1$s facturaos una vegada cada 6 meses
subscriptionPerMonth %1$s /month %1$s /mes
success Success
summaryAccelerating Accelerate Aceleración
summaryAcceleratingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to accelerate. Porcentaxe enerxéticu que s'utilizó pa acelerar.
summaryActivePower Active power Potencia activa
summaryBasal Basal basal
summaryBasalEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used for basal metabolism. Porcentaxe exerxéticu que empleóse pa'l metabolismu basal.
summaryBasalMetabolicRate Basal metabolic rate Índiz de metabolismu basal
summaryBasalMetabolicRateInfo Basal metabolic rate (BMR). Tasa Metabólica Basal (TMB).
summaryBrakePadWear Brake pad wear
summaryBraking Braking
summaryBrakingInfo Energy extracted by braking.

Can be regarded as brake wear - a pair of standard bicycle disc brake pads will last around 50 MJ, for cars around 5 GJ.
summaryCadenceStrokes Pedal strokes Pedalaes
summaryCadenceStrokesInfo Number of pedal strokes detected during activity. Númberu de pedalaes detectaes mientres l'actividá.
summaryChainWear Chain wear
summaryClimbing Climb Ascensu
summaryClimbingEnergyInfo Percentage of the energy that was used to overcome gravity. Porcentaxe enerxéticu que s'utilizó pa vencer la gravedá.
summaryDeviceAutoPauseCount Auto-pause count Recuentu de poses automátiques
summaryDeviceAutoPauseCountInfo Number of times auto-pause was activated during this activity. Númberu de vegaes que la posa automática foi activada mientres l'actividá.
summaryDeviceName Device Dispositivu
summaryDeviceNameInfo Device used to record this track. Dispositivu usáu para grabar esti percorríu.
summaryDeviceRestartsCount Forced restarts Reinicios forzaos
summaryDeviceRestartsCountInfo Number of times the app was force-closed or the device stopped working during this activity. Númberu de vegaes que l'aplicación cerróse a encomalo o'l dispositivu dexó de funcionar mientres esta actividá.
summaryDragArea Drag area Área d'esfregadura


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English Asturian
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String information

String age
a month ago
Source string age
a month ago
Translation file
translate/strings-ast.xml, string 711