
Key English Asturian
mapboxMapsLabel Mapbox
hereMapsLabel HERE
maptilerMapsLabel MapTiler
ultimateLicenseTitle Ultimate License Llicencia Ultra
ultimateLicenseDescription Most powerful license for ultimate experience A llicencia más poderosa para a meyor esperiencia
ultimateLicenseFeatures ⭐ All premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Tou les característiques y mapes de baldre
⭐ Tolos mapes premium
⭐ Ensin publicidá
proPlusLicenseTitle Pro Plus License Llicencia Pro Plus
proPlusLicenseDescription Remove ads and unlock all non-subscription features we may add in the future Esanicie la publicidá y desbloquie toles característiques que nun sían de suscripción que podamos amestar nel futuru
proPlusLicenseFeatures ❌ Premium maps
❌ Navigation
❌ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
➕ Extra donation
⭐ Tou les característiques y mapes de baldre
⭐ Ensin publicidá
❌ Mapes premium
➕ Donación extra
proLicenseTitle Pro License Llicencia Pro
proLicenseDescription Remove ads Esaniciar publicidá
proLicenseFeatures ❌ Premium maps
❌ Navigation
❌ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Tou les característiques y mapes de baldre
⭐ Ensin publicidá
❌ Mapes premium
freeLicenseTitle Free License Llicencia de baldre
freeLicenseFeatures ❌ Premium maps
❌ Navigation
❌ Online altitude baseline
❌ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Tolas característiques y mapes de baldre
❌ Mapes premium
❌ Ensin publicidá
thunderforestMapsFeatures ⭐ Thunderforest premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Tou les característiques y mapes de baldre
⭐ Mapes premium de Thunderforest
⭐ Ensin publicidá
mapboxMapsFeatures ⭐ Mapbox premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Tou les característiques y mapes de baldre
⭐ Mapes premium de MapBox
⭐ Ensin publicidá
hereMapsFeatures ⭐ HERE premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Tou les característiques y mapes de baldre
⭐ Mapes premium de HERE
⭐ Ensin publicidá
maptilerMapsFeatures ⭐ MapTiler premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Tou les característiques y mapes de baldre
⭐ Mapes premium de MapTiler
⭐ Ensin publicidá
subscriptionPerMonth %1$s /month %1$s /mes
subscriptionPer1y %1$s billed every 12 months %1$s facturaos una vegada cada 12 meses
subscriptionPer6m %1$s billed every 6 months %1$s facturaos una vegada cada 6 meses
subscriptionPer3m %1$s billed every 3 months %1$s facturaos una vegada cada 3 meses
subscriptionPer1m %1$s billed once a month %1$s facturaos una vegada cada mes
subscriptionPer1w %1$s billed once a week %1$s facturaos una vegada cada selmana
paymentOnce One-time payment Pagu únicu
rewardedAdPriceFree FREE (valid for this session) DE BALDRE (válidu para esta sesión)
rewardedAdDescription Click here to watch an ad first Clique equí para ver un anunciu primeru
rewardedAdLoading Loading ad… Cargando anunciu…
rewardedLicenseSuccess License successfully awarded Llicencia otorgada con ésitu
priceLoading @string/loading
Key English Asturian
infoMeterModeWriggleTitle Wriggle Esviadura
infoSpeedometerMsg Shows your current, maximum and average speed.

Stall indicator indicates when the speed value wasn't updated in a while and can't be trusted.

Pace indicator are small arrows near the speed value that show when the current speed is above or below the average speed.
Amuesa la to velocidá actual, máxima y media.

L'indicador de bloquéu indica cuándo'l valor de velocidá lleva ensin actualizase mientres tiempu y, por tanto, non puede confiase nél.

El indicadores de ritmu son pequenes fleches abargana del valor de velocidá que representen cuándo la velocidá actual ta, respectivamente, percima o per debaxo de la velocidá media.
infoSpeedometerTitle Speedometer Velocímetru
inProgress In progress
licenseDialogMapsTab Maps Mapes
licenseDialogProTab @string/proLicenseLabel
licenseDialogUltimateTab @string/ultimateLicenseLabel
licenseItemAlreadyOwned License item already owned En posesión d'una llicencia
licenseItemOwned Currently owned
licenseSuccessDialogMessage The app was licensed successfully. Thank you for your support! La Aplicación llicencióse correchamente. ¡Gracies pol to sofitu!
licenseSuccessDialogTitle @string/app_name
licenseUpgradeTitle Upgrade your license
loading Loading… Cargando…
locale en ast
manageSubscriptions Manage subscriptions Xestionar subscripciones
mapboxMapsFeatures ⭐ Mapbox premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Tou les característiques y mapes de baldre
⭐ Mapes premium de MapBox
⭐ Ensin publicidá
mapboxMapsLabel Mapbox
mapLayerSatellite Satellite Satélite
mapLayerStreet Street Cai
mapLayerTerrain Terrain Terrén
mapLayerTypes_0 @string/mapLayerStreet
mapLayerTypes_1 @string/mapLayerTerrain
mapLayerTypes_2 @string/mapLayerSatellite
mapMarkerClickInfo Click for options
mapMarkerFinish Finish Final
mapMarkerMyLocation My location El mio allugamientu
mapMarkerStart Start Iniciu
mapPlaceSearch Where to?
maptilerMapsFeatures ⭐ MapTiler premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Tou les característiques y mapes de baldre
⭐ Mapes premium de MapTiler
⭐ Ensin publicidá
maptilerMapsLabel MapTiler


User avatar user

Search and replace

Urban Biker / StringsAsturian

2 weeks ago
User avatar None

Source string changed

Urban Biker / StringsAsturian

2 weeks ago
User avatar None

Source string changed

Urban Biker / StringsAsturian

6 months ago
User avatar None

Source string changed

Urban Biker / StringsAsturian

a year ago
User avatar davorpa

Translation changed

Urban Biker / StringsAsturian

a year ago
User avatar None

Source string changed

Urban Biker / StringsAsturian

a year ago
User avatar davorpa

Translation changed

Urban Biker / StringsAsturian

3 years ago
User avatar davorpa

New translation

Urban Biker / StringsAsturian

3 years ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Mismatching line breaks

Number of new lines in translation does not match source


Has been translated

Previous translation was "⭐ Tou les característiques y mapes de baldre ⭐ Mapes premium de MapBox ⭐ Ensin publicidá".

Fix string



English Asturian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-ast.xml, string 31