
Key English Danish
proLicenseTitle Pro License Pro Licens
proLicenseDescription Remove ads Fjern Reklamer
proLicenseFeatures ❌ Premium maps
❌ Navigation
❌ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
❌ Premium kort
❌ Navigation
❌ Online højde baseline
⭐ Ingen annoncer
⭐ Alle gratis funktioner og kort
freeLicenseTitle Free License Gratis licens
freeLicenseFeatures ❌ Premium maps
❌ Navigation
❌ Online altitude baseline
❌ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
❌ Premium kort
❌ Navigation
❌ Online højde baseline
❌ Ingen annoncer
⭐ Alle gratis funktioner og kort
thunderforestMapsFeatures ⭐ Thunderforest premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Thunderforest premium kort
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online højde baseline
⭐ Ingen annoncer
⭐ Alle gratis funktioner og kort
mapboxMapsFeatures ⭐ Mapbox premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Mapbox premium kort
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online højde baseline
⭐ Ingen annoncer
⭐ Alle gratis funktioner og kort
hereMapsFeatures ⭐ HERE premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ HERE premium kort
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online højde baseline
⭐ Ingen annoncer
⭐ Alle gratis funktioner og kort
maptilerMapsFeatures ⭐ MapTiler premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ MapTiler premium kort
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online højde baseline
⭐ Ingen annoncer
⭐ Alle gratis funktioner og kort
subscriptionPerMonth %1$s /month %1$s /om måneden
subscriptionPer1y %1$s billed every 12 months %1$s faktureres hver 12. måned
subscriptionPer6m %1$s billed every 6 months %1$s faktureres hver 6. måned
subscriptionPer3m %1$s billed every 3 months %1$s faktureres hver 3. måned
subscriptionPer1m %1$s billed once a month %1$s en gang hver måned
subscriptionPer1w %1$s billed once a week %1$s en gang om ugen
paymentOnce One-time payment Betaling en gang for alle
priceFree FREE Gratis
rewardedAdPriceFree FREE (valid for this session) Gratis ( gyldig for denne session)
rewardedAdDescription Click here to watch an ad first Klik her for at se reklame først
rewardedAdLoading Loading ad… Indlæser Reklame…
rewardedLicenseSuccess License successfully awarded Licens tildelt med succes
priceLoading @string/loading
subscriptionCancelInfo Cancel anytime in Subscriptions on Google Play. Annuller når som helst i Abonnementer på Google Play.
manageSubscriptions Manage subscriptions Styr abonnementer
otherLicenses Other Andet
recommendedLicense Recommended Anbefalede
licenseItemOwned Currently owned I øjeblikket ejet
ok OK Ok
yes Yes Ja
no No Nej
cancel Cancel Annullér
Key English Danish
navigationRerouteCmd Click to reroute Klik for at omdirigere
navigationRouteNotFound Sorry, no route was found to that destination Beklager, ingen rute blev fundet til den destination
navigationRouteTooLong Sorry, this destination is too far away Beklager, denne destination er for langt væk
navigationStepsInfo Navigation instructions will appear here as you move. Hide or slide this panel as desired. Navigationsinstruktioner vises her, mens du bevæger dig. Skjul eller skub dette panel efter ønske.
navigationStopPrompt Stop Hold op
navigationWrongWay Wrong way Forkerte vej
no No Nej
notificationTitle @string/app_name
notificationTitleAdvanced %1$s
notificationTitleAdvancedPaused Paused: %1$s Sat på pause: %1$s
ok OK Ok
ongoingNotificationChannelDescription Providing control of the foreground service and easy access to the app Giver kontrol af service i forgrunden og nem adgang til app'en
ongoingNotificationChannelName Ongoing notification Tilbagevendende notifikationer
openSourceLicensesTitle Open source licenses Open source-licenser
otherLicenses Other Andet
paymentOnce One-time payment Betaling en gang for alle
pick_a_color Pick a color Vælg farve
powerSourceWeight_0 Total Total
powerSourceWeight_1 Driver Chauffør
powerSourceWeight_2 Vehicle Køretøj
powerSourceWeight_3 Driver + Vehicle Fører + køretøj
powerSourceWeightInfo When translating power (watts) into specific power (watts per unit weight), a weight must be given.

This is usually the weight of the entity providing a driving force.

Note: Climb power is always computed using Total weight.
Ved omregning af effekt (watt) til specifik effekt (watt pr. vægtenhed), skal der gives en vægt.

Dette er normalt vægten af den enhed, der giver en drivkraft.

Bemærk: Lodret effekt beregnes altid ved hjælp af totalvægt.
powerSourceWeightTitle Power source weight Strømkildens vægt
pref_above_lockscreen_summary App will remain visible even if the device is locked App'en vil forblive synlig selvom enheden bliver låst
pref_above_lockscreen_title Keep above lockscreen Forbliv ovenpå låseskærm
pref_ads_mode_dialog_title Adverts type Annonce type
pref_ads_mode_summary @null
pref_ads_mode_title Show adverts Vis annoncer
pref_app_language_dialog_title Language Sprog
pref_app_language_summary (All profiles) (Alle profiler)


User avatar frank klarlund

New translation

Urban Biker / StringsDanish

4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Danish
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-da.xml, string 40