
Key English Danish
dialogMapsDownloadText Open the downloads web page now? Åbn downloadsiden nu?
dialogMapsTerrainDownloadTitle Terrain download Terræn download
dialogOpenRainviewerText Open web page now? Åbn webside nu?
dialogTrackEditTitleHint Title Titel
dialogTrackEditNotesHint Notes Notater
dialogTrackUploadWaitTitle Please wait Vent venligst
dialogTrackUploadPreparing Preparing track data… Klargører rutedata…
dialogTrackUploadSending Sending… Sender…
dialogTrackUploadDescriptionHint Share your thoughts… Del dine tanker…
dialogTrackUploadShareButton Share Del
dialogTrackUploadShareAgainButton Share again Del igen
dialogTrackUploadUpdateButton Update Opdatér
dialogTrackUploadActivityType Activity type Aktivitets type
dialogTrackUploadPlatform Online service Online service
dialogTrackUploadStravaIsCommute Commute Pendle
dialogChartDataTypesTitle Chart types Diagramtyper
dialogGpsIntervalTitle GPS update interval GPS opdaterings interval
dialogGpsIntervalValue %1$s
dialogGpsIntervalNote Keep this value below 3 sec to get the most accurate readings and consistent behavior! Hold denne værdi under 3 sek for at få de mest nøjagtige aflæsninger og ensartet adfærd!
More accuracy, uses more battery

Mere nøjagtighed, bruger mere batteri
Less accuracy, uses less battery

Mindre nøjagtighed, bruger mindre batteri
dialogHapticIntensityTitle @string/pref_haptic_feedback_intensity_title
dialogLocationPermissionRequestTitle Location permission Placeringstilladelse
dialogLocationPermissionRequest The app needs to access your location to record your outdoor activities. Appen skal have adgang til din placering for at registrere dine udendørs aktiviteter.
dialogLocationPermissionRequestForBt Location permission is needed to find Bluetooth devices.

No Bluetooth devices will be found if the permission is rejected.
Placeringstilladelse er nødvendig for at finde Bluetooth-enheder.

Ingen Bluetooth-enheder findes, hvis tilladelsen afvises.
dialogStoragePermissionRequestTitle Storage permission Lagringstilladelse
dialogStoragePermissionRequest The app needs to access the storage so it can save or restore your tracks and settings.

Without giving the permission you may not be able to see your tracks history, and you could loose your data.
Appen skal have adgang til lageret, så den kan gemme eller gendanne dine spor og indstillinger.

Uden at give tilladelsen kan du muligvis ikke se din sporhistorik, og du kan miste dine data.
dialogCameraPermissionRequestTitle Camera permission Kamera tilladelse
dialogCameraPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can activate the flashlight. Tilladelse er nødvendig, så appen kan aktivere lommelygten.
Key English Danish
dialog_volume_message Note: Use volume buttons on your device to adjust overall sound volume. Bemærk: Brug knapper på din enhed for at justere grundlæggende lydstyrke.
dialog_volume_roaring_text AVAS AVAS
dialog_volume_speech_text Speech Tale
dialog_volume_tallies_text Tallies Tallies
dialogActivityRecognitionPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can use the built-in Step Detector sensor, and perform other useful actions when motion is detected. Tilladelse er nødvendig, så appen kan bruge den indbyggede trindetektorsensor og udføre andre nyttige handlinger, når der registreres bevægelse.
dialogActivityRecognitionPermissionRequestTitle Physical activity permission Tilladelse til fysisk aktivitet
dialogBaroAltitudeNoticeMessage Barometric Altitude works only outdoors.

Please do not use it in closed or air-conditioned spaces like some vehicles and airplanes.
Barometrisk højde fungerer kun udendørs.

Brug det ikke i lukkede eller airconditionerede rum som nogle køretøjer og fly.
dialogBaroAltitudeNoticeTitle Notice Bemærk
dialogBaroAltitudePromptMessage Barometric Altitude has been turned off forcibly due to discrepancy with GPS altitude!

Please do not use it in closed or air-conditioned spaces!
Barometrisk højde er slået fra med magt på grund af uoverensstemmelse med GPS-højde!

Brug det ikke i lukkede eller airconditionerede rum!
dialogBaroAltitudePromptTitle Barometric altitude problem Barometrisk højdeproblem
dialogBluetoothPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can find and connect with wireless sensors. Tilladelse er nødvendig, så appen kan finde og oprette forbindelse til trådløse sensorer.
dialogBluetoothPermissionRequestTitle Bluetooth permission Bluetooth-tilladelse
dialogButtonRateOnPlayStore Rate on Play Store Bedøm i Play Butik
dialogCameraPermissionRequest Permission is needed so the app can activate the flashlight. Tilladelse er nødvendig, så appen kan aktivere lommelygten.
dialogCameraPermissionRequestTitle Camera permission Kamera tilladelse
dialogChartDataTypesTitle Chart types Diagramtyper
dialogCloudAccountDisconnectMessage Disconnect this account? Vil du afbryde forbindelsen til denne konto?
dialogCopyingMessage Copying… Kopierer…
dialogCustomTracksFolderInfoMessage This feature allows the app to read tracks from a folder of your choice, in addition to the main tracks folder — whose location has recently changed.

Such tracks are read-only: They can be viewed and shared, but cannot be edited, resumed nor deleted.
Denne funktion giver appen mulighed for at læse numre fra en mappe efter eget valg, ud over hovedmappen med numre - hvis placering for nylig er ændret.

Sådanne spor er skrivebeskyttede: De kan ses og deles, men kan ikke redigeres, genoptages eller slettes.
dialogDataStorageInfoMessage @string/dataStorageInfo1
dialogEnergyParamsBmr Basal metabolic rate (BMR) Basal stofskifte (BMR)
dialogEnergyParamsEfficiency Overall thermal efficiency (η) Samlet termisk effektivitet (η)
dialogEnergyParamsTitle Energy parameters Energiparametre
dialogEnterCodeMessage Enter code Indtast kode
dialogFencesAdd Add fence here Tilføj hegn her
dialogFencesEdit Edit fence Rediger hegn
dialogFencesRemove Remove fence Fjern hegn
dialogFencesShowFences Show fences Vis hegn
dialogFencesUpdate Update fence location Opdater hegnsplacering
dialogFileChooseSelectFolder Select this folder Vælg denne mappe


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Automatic translation

Urban Biker / StringsDanish

a year ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Diagramtyper".

Fix string



English Danish
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-da.xml, string 380