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Key English Danish
controlPanelMapShowButtonTitle Show map Vis kort
controlPanelScreenOrientation Screen orientation Skærm retning
controlPanelScreenshotButtonSubtitle Click to share screenshot Klik for at dele skærmbillede
controlPanelScreenshotButtonTitle Screenshot Skærmbillede
controlPanelSensorsButtonSubtitle Click to manage sensors Klik for at arrangere sensorer
controlPanelSensorsButtonTitle Sensors Sensorer
controlPanelSoundAlarms Alarms Alarmer
controlPanelSoundAutoBell Automatic bell automatisk klokke
controlPanelSoundEffects Effects Effekter
controlPanelSoundRoar AVAS AVAS
controlPanelSoundSpeech Speech Tale
controlPanelSoundTallies Tallies Tallies
controlPanelSoundVolume Volumes Lydstyrke
controlPanelUnitsButtonSubtitle Click to change units Klik for at skifte enhed
controlPanelUnitsButtonTitle Units of measure Måleenheder
copyrightVersionInfo <b>v%1$s</b> (%2$s)
dataStorageChooseButton Choose data storage location Vælg datalagringssted
dataStorageInfo1 Custom data storage location is recommended and useful to prevent accidental data loss if the app is uninstalled, and to make backups easier. Det anbefales at bruge en brugerdefineret lagerplacering til dine spor og data for at forhindre utilsigtet datatab, hvis appen afinstalleres, og for at gøre sikkerhedskopiering nemmere.
dataStorageInfo2 When you change the data storage location, the previous app data will be automatically transferred to the new location. This happens in the background and may take some time.

Revoking access leaves the data intact.
Når du ændrer datalagringsplaceringen, overføres de tidligere appdata automatisk til den nye placering. Dette sker i baggrunden og kan tage lidt tid.

Tilbagekaldelse af adgang efterlader dataene intakte.
dataStorageNotSetMessage The data storage location is not set, please use the button above.

The app is currently using the default folder for tracks and data.
Datalagringsstedet er ikke indstillet, brug venligst knappen ovenfor.

Appen bruger i øjeblikket standardmappen til spor og data.
dataStorageStatsLoadingMessage @string/computing
dataStorageStatsMessage %1$s MB
%2$s items
%1$s MB
%2$s genstande
dataStorageStatsTitle Storage stats Opbevaringsstatistik
dataStorageTitle Storage Opbevaring
dataStorageTransferInfoCount Items moved: %1$s of %2$s Elementer flyttet: %1$s af %2$s
dataStorageTransferInfoDuration Duration: %1$s Varighed: %1$s
dataStorageTransferInfoSpeed Speed: %1$s MB/s (%2$s items/s) Hastighed: %1$s MB/s (%2$s elementer/s)
dataStorageTransferInfoStatus Status: %1$s Status: %1$s
dataStorageTransferInfoTitle Last change Sidste ændring
dataStorageTransferRetrying Fail — will retry shortly Mislykkedes – prøver igen om kort tid


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English Danish
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String information

String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-da.xml, string 7