
Key English Croatian
locale en hr
app_name Urban Biker Urban Biker
app_description Track and measure your rides with great accuracy. Increase your cycling safety and efficiency. Visokom preciznošću snimajte i mjerite svoje vožnje. Uvećajte efikasnost i sigurnost vožnji bicikla.
widget_1_description Biker: Bicycle Bell Biker: Zvonce
widget_2_description Biker: Bell + Flashlight Biker: Zvonce + Svjetiljka
widget_3_description Biker: Complete Biker: Cjelovito
copyrightVersionInfo <b>v%1$s</b> (%2$s)
ultimateLicenseLabel Ultimate Ultimate
proPlusLicenseLabel Pro+ Pro+
proLicenseLabel Pro Pro
freeLicenseLabel Free Besplatna
licenseDialogUltimateTab @string/ultimateLicenseLabel
licenseDialogProTab @string/proLicenseLabel
licenseDialogMapsTab Maps Mape
thunderforestMapsLabel Thunderforest
mapboxMapsLabel Mapbox
hereMapsLabel HERE
maptilerMapsLabel MapTiler
ultimateLicenseTitle Ultimate License Ultimate Licenca
ultimateLicenseDescription Most powerful license for ultimate experience Najsnažnija licenca za vrhunski doživljaj
ultimateLicenseFeatures ⭐ All premium maps
⭐ Navigation
⭐ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
⭐ Sve premium karte
⭐ Navigacija
⭐ Mrežna osnovna visina
⭐ Nema reklama
⭐ Sve besplatne značajke i karte
proPlusLicenseTitle Pro Plus License Pro Plus Licenca
proPlusLicenseDescription Remove ads and unlock all non-subscription features we may add in the future Uklonite oglase i otključajte sve ne-pretplatne značajke koje možemo dodati u budućnosti
proPlusLicenseFeatures ❌ Premium maps
❌ Navigation
❌ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
➕ Extra donation
❌ Premium karte
❌ Navigacija
❌ Mrežna osnovna visina
⭐ Nema reklama
⭐ Sve besplatne značajke i karte
➕ Dodatna donacija
Key English Croatian
priceLoading @string/loading
profileNameDefault New Profile Novi Profil
profilesListAddProfile New profile Novi profil
profilesListButtonResetTotals Reset totals Resetiraj ukupne sume
profilesListProfileNotUsed (unused) (nekorišten)
profilesListRowLastActivity %1$s
profilesListRowTotalsSince Totals since: %1$s Ukupno od: %1$s
profilesListTitle Profiles Profili
profilesListTitleSelectProfile Switch Profile Prebaci profil
proLicenseDescription Remove ads Uklonite oglase
proLicenseFeatures ❌ Premium maps
❌ Navigation
❌ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
❌ Premium karte
❌ Navigacija
❌ Mrežna osnovna visina
⭐ Nema reklama
⭐ Sve besplatne značajke i karte
proLicenseLabel Pro Pro
proLicenseTitle Pro License Pro Licenca
proPlusLicenseDescription Remove ads and unlock all non-subscription features we may add in the future Uklonite oglase i otključajte sve ne-pretplatne značajke koje možemo dodati u budućnosti
proPlusLicenseFeatures ❌ Premium maps
❌ Navigation
❌ Online altitude baseline
⭐ No ads
⭐ All free features and maps
➕ Extra donation
❌ Premium karte
❌ Navigacija
❌ Mrežna osnovna visina
⭐ Nema reklama
⭐ Sve besplatne značajke i karte
➕ Dodatna donacija
proPlusLicenseLabel Pro+ Pro+
proPlusLicenseTitle Pro Plus License Pro Plus Licenca
recommendedLicense Recommended Preporučeno
rewardedAdDescription Click here to watch an ad first Kliknite ovdje za pogledati oglas
rewardedAdLoading Loading ad… Učitavanje oglasa…
rewardedAdPriceFree FREE (valid for this session) BESPLATNO (vrijedi za ovu sesiju)
rewardedLicenseSuccess License successfully awarded Licenca je uspješno dodijeljena
roarModeConstant const konst
sensorAddedMsg Sensor added to the profile Senzor dodan u profil
sensorDeleteConfirmDialogMsg Forget this sensor? Obrisati ovaj senzor?
sensorDeletedMsg Sensor forgotten Senzor obrisan
sensorFilterInterval_0 3 seconds (default) 3 sekunde (zadano)
sensorFilterInterval_1 5 seconds 5 sekundi
sensorFilterInterval_2 7 seconds 7 sekundi
sensorFilterInterval_3 10 seconds 10 sekundi


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check

Unchanged translation

Source and translation are identical



English Croatian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
5 years ago
Source string age
5 years ago
Translation file
translate/strings-hr.xml, string 9